System claims that it is acquiring data (e.g., Xpose/LWS says
but images are not being read out and no saveindex messages are
being written in the coyote tip window.
The datataking system is hung.
Do not attempt to start another exposure! This will only succeed
in hanging the instrument control computer (coyote), requiring
a full system reboot to recover.
From a keokea window, type ltp (load timing pattern)
to reboot the DSPs and load the default timing pattern. Wait for the command
to complete. If it does not complete within one minute, you have a severe
crash which requires further action; see these instructions
on how to proceed.
In Xpose/LWS, click Abort to halt
exposure in progress. Click Set Mode and select the appropriate
observing mode for your observations (required to load the proper timing
Issue the command
md nodtel=off
to return to the "nod on" beam.
Resume data acquisition.
Datataking system is hung; ltp will not complete successfully;
complains about RPC: program not registered
The device driver on coyote is hung.
This is a severe crash and you should consider contacting
your I.S. immediately for help. Follow these instructions to reboot
the system:
Try to get a prompt in the coyote tip window by typing the following
magic incantation:
You should get a response ok from coyote. If not, try
the magic incantation a couple more times (if still no ok prompt,
your I.S. will need to rlogin to coyote directly using the root
password and initiate a reboot with the reboot command).
Once you get the ok prompt on coyote, initiate a reboot
by typing
. If you had to rlogin directly as root, uset he reboot
While coyote reboots, kill your instrument control windows by
de-iconifying the lwsStart window and typing Ctrl-C.
This should kill the window and all of your GUIs.
Manually quit QuickView and any remaining GUIs which were not
terminated already (XLWS, Xpose/LWS, XCALCT, etc.)
Wait for coyote to complete its reboot sequence and print a login:
prompt in the coyote tip window. You do not need to login
to coyote, just wait for the prompt to appear.
Re-start the LWS software by selecting the LWS Start Up item from
the LWS Control submenu on the OpenWindows pulldown menu.
When the GUIs have returned, you may resume observing. Note that some keywords
(e.g., grating name, central wavelength, etc.) may show illegal values
and will be reported incorrectly in your image headers, but the instrument
components will be in the same state they were in prior to the crash. Once
you make a grating move, the keyword values will be correct.
Upon instrument startup or a motor move, TkLogger complains about
program not registered
The collect deamons on coyote are not running
Reboot coyote as decribed in these instructions.
LWS software hung with the message IO to DSP has faulted.
Communications with the DSPs has failed.
Reboot coyote as decribed in these instructions.
Could not establish a tip connection to coyote.
Either coyote is down, the serial port is broken, or the connecting wires
are damaged.
Try the command
ping coyote
to determine whether it is reachable. If you can't ping or rlogin
to coyote, then it has crashed badly. Best action in this case
is to return the telescope to horizon and have summit personnel check electricity
and connections to the forward cass module's electronics bay. If connections
are fine then they can manually power cycle the electronics rack.
If coyote is alive, the problem is in the serial port or wiring.
Have electronic staff diagnose problems.
coyote tip window comes up, but the only message printed is
. Motor moves and data acquisition do not generate output in the
window, but motor moves and image acuisition appears to complete.
The cable between the coyote serial port and keokea is
not properly connected.
Have electronic staff inspect serial line connections both at keokea
and at coyote.
Serial connectors may need to be reseated.
Check the color coding on "TIP" serial lines and connectors that
indicate LWS and NIRC.The "TIP" lines may be swapped.
Try another motor move to see whether output is generated on the tip window.
XLWS program can't get keywords; motor moves are not reflected in chanegs
in the XLWS GUI; log tail window shows errors such as:
Nov 29 15:47:01 keokea lws_klib: extract.c,231(make_nonblocking): Unable to set socket flags, errno 9
The keyword library is not responding to keyword requests.
Shut down and restart all LWS software.
write failed: "/" filesystem full
appears in coyote tip window or a keokea window.
The root partition on keokea is full, probably because the logfile
has gotten too large.
Shut down all LWS software.
Log in to keokea as user lws.
Go to directory /var/log.
Copy the log file to headquarters:
cp local0 /net/papahaku/instrhome1/lws/logs/local0.DDmmmYY
This operation may take a couple of minutes if the file is many megabytes.
Log into keokea as user root.
Go to directory /var/log.
Remove the logfile:
rm local0
Create a replacement logfile:
touch local0
Locate the syslog daemon:
keokea# ps -auxww | fgrep syslogd
root 120 0.0 0.3 72 88 ? S Dec 21 1:01 syslogd
root 12205 0.0 0.7 132 184 q0 S 18:26 0:00 fgrep syslogd
In this case, the pid is 120.
Re-start the log daemon:
kill -HUP pid
You may now log out of the root session.
From the observing account, re-start datataking system and verify that
the log tail window comes up.
Perform an operation which will generate log output (e.g., home or move
a motor via XLWS, or select Video Mode via Xpose/LWS).
Verify that the log tail window generates output.
Compress the old logfile by logging into any HQ machine as lws,
going to the directory ~lws/logs, and typing:
compress local0.DDmmmYY
Observer attempts to start an exposure, but even though the acquire
keyword goes to TRUE, images are not being read out and no saveindex
messages are being written in the coyote tip window. The following
message is seen in the coyote tip window when one tries to start
an exposure:
Oct 14 00:55:28 coyote acquire16: RFits_create: create_fits_1: User
lwsdev not in passwd file.
Oct 14 00:55:28 coyote acquire16: RFits_create: create_fits_1: User
lwsdev not in passwd file.
Oct 14 00:55:28 coyote rpc.collectd: Caught acquire's death with
ACQERR="RFits_create: create_fits_1: User lwsdev not in passwd file."
The output directory keyword outdir is set to an illegal value.
This can happen after a coyote reboot or when restart_collectd
was run. These actions cause outdir to default to an illegal value,
generally lwsdev@keokea:/s/sdata42/...
Issue the command
s outdir
and verify that the username (prepended to the directory name) is valid
and that the data directory exists.
If the outdir is invalid, execute the lws_init script
which will prompt for the data directory number and will then set the data
directory appropriately.
Guider shows no chopping and the chptrig keyword on the Chop-Nod
GUI reads disabled.
The chopper needs to be initialized.
Have the OA check for alarms and re-initialize the chopper from the DCS
GUI if needed.
If Chop Nod Control GUI shows that chpstyle = automatic,
then click the Init Chopper button.
Guider shows no chopping and the chpcycle keyword on the Chop-Nod
GUI is not incrementing.
The DSPs needs to be reset by reloading the timing pattern.
Type the following command at a keokea prompt to re-load the default
timing pattern:
Guider shows no chopping but the chpcycle keyword on the Chop-Nod
GUI is incrementing.
The chopper trigger is set to the wrong value.
Click the Chop Init button on the Chop-Nod GUI to reset
the chop trigger style to LEVEL.
Guider shows chopping, but quicklook shows the object changing from positive
to negative.
Either the chop trigger generator is set incorrectly or the chop frequency
is incorrect.
Halt the chopper.
Have the OA verify that the chop trigger selector switch on the connect
panel in the summit compute rroom is set to LWS and not NIRC.
Verify the chop frequency listed in the Chop-Nod Gui.
Restart the chopper.
Start acquiring data.
Object is smeared on image.
The exposure started before the chopper had settled.
Halt the chopper via the Chop Nod Control window.
Restart the chopper.
Wait 15 seconds for chopper to settle.
Start acquiring data.
As long as the chopper remains running at the same chopper frequency, stopping
and restarting the chopper should not be required before subsequent images.
But if the chop frequency changes or the chopper is halted (to slew the
telescope, for example), then you may need to repeat this procedure.
When executing a dither pattern, the guider does not follow the guider
Xguide is experiencing a "race condition" well known as a bug. This problem
is caused when the "resume" directive is received before the "resumex"
and "resumeY" position are sent. This can be verified in the guider log
file (/nightly/log/autoguider.syslog).
Have the OA stop and re-start the Xguide software.
If problems persist, have the OA reboot TDC.
When the chopper starts, the guide star moves out of the guide box resulting
in the two chop beams adjacent to the guide box.
The chopper parameters are not set to the LWS default values. For normal
LWS operations the chopper keyword chopstyle
is set to manual. The manual chopstyle keeps one chop beam in the rest
frame and the other chopbeam a full chopthrow away, typically 10 arcsec.
The guide box will remain in the rest frame and the guide star will remain
in the box when chopstyle is set to manual. Chopstyle is set from clicking
on the the chop-nod gui of XLWS
Abort exposure.
Halt chopper so the OA can set up on the correct chop beam.
Click the Chop Init button on the Chop-Nod GUI to reset
the chop style to MANUAL
Click the Start button on the Chop-Nod GUI and verify
guide star remains in guide box.
Start data acquisition.
During chop-nod observations, guiding is lost when the telescope nods.
Either the OA set up the guider on the wrong chop beam, or the nod parameters
are incorrectly set. If set correctly, then the nod is in the opposite
direction to the chop and the amplitude is the same; hence, the guider
should not have to move during the nod, because one of the chop beams should
always remain in the box.
Stop exposure.
Halt chopper to ensure that the OA sets up on the correct chop beam.
Issue the command
md nodtel=off
to return to the "nod on" beam.
Allow OA to choose a guide star. Note that one must not choose a star whose
image will conflict with another object upon chopping; i.e., if the chop
direction is north-south at 10 arcsec amplitude and another star lies 10
arcsec south of the guide star, the guider will see a "double star" when
it nods and this will cause guider failure.
Use the Chop-Nod GUI to set up chopping and nodding correctly,
or use a facility script such as quad_chop to take data. User
scripts cannot yet set up chopping and nodding appropriately.
Start data acquisition.
QuickView shows image wandering over the detector, although there is always
a target in the guidebox.
There is another star in the location of the "chop off" image of the guide
star. Note that one must not choose a star whose image will conflict with
another object upon chopping; i.e., if the chop direction is north-south
at 10 arcsec amplitude and another star lies 10 arcsec south of the guide
star, the guider will see a "double star" when it nods and this will cause
guider failure.
Stop data acquisition and halt guider.
Issue the command
md nodtel=off
to return to the "nod on" beam.
Allow OA to choose a new guide star.
Use the Chop-Nod GUI to set up chopping and nodding correctly.
Start data acquisition.
The guide star is carefully centered before chopping begins, but then immediately
jumps out of the guide box.
The chopper is being run in automatic mode (chpstyle=automatic)
instead of manual mode. This can happen if the observer does not perform
a Chop Setup and the OA initialized the chopper.
Stop data acquisition and halt guider.
Issue the command
md nodtel=off
to return to the "nod on" beam.
On the Chop-Nod GUI, click the Chop Setup button to reset
the chopper settings to the LWS defaults. Verify that the value of the
keyword is manual.
Allow OA to re-acquire the guide star.
Start chopper and verify that guider continues to track star.
Start data acquisition.
Exposures taken in the 20µm regime seem to contain only noise.
Either the image is saturated, atmospheric transmission is rotten, the
ZnSe window is in, or the KBr dewar window has been damaged by water vapor.
Use the background monitor box on the QuickView GUI to check that
the image is not saturated. If the background level is above 90%, consider
switching filters or reducing the frmtime via XCALCT.
Check the CSO tau plots to determine the amount of precipitable water vapor.
If tau is currently above 0.05 then atmospheric transmission at 20 µm
will be poor.
If tau is below 0.05 (1mm or less of precipitable water vapor), then verify
that the ZnSe window is out. Note: you are allowed to remove
the window ONLY if the dewpoint is at least 10 degrees below the current
dome temperature.
If problems persist, it may be that the hygroscopic KBr dewar window has
been damaged by water vapor. This is very bad news, and can mean the end
of your observing run. Determining the status of the dewar window requires
pulling the forward cass module and inspecting the dewar window with a
flashlight for evidence of misting or fogging. Replacing it requires warming
the dewar, a multi-day procedure.
Exposures acuired of a bright object at 23.1 and 24.5 µm contain
only noise, but at 17.65 and 18.75 µm the object is easily detected.
Either the image is saturated or the ZnSe window is in.
Use the background monitor box on the QuickView GUI to check that
the image is not saturated. If the background level is above 90%,
reduce the frmtime either using one of the supplied custom files
for imaging or by creating one of your own..
If the background is low, verify that the ZnSe window is
out. The background level is higher with the ZnSe window
in position. If the background doesn't change with the window out,
then there is a mechanical problem with the window mechanism. Try
issuing up to 10 window out commands to move the window. If the window
is stuck, call the SA on duty. Note: you are allowed to remove
the window ONLY if the dewpoint is at least 10 degrees below the current
dome temperature.
Image looks saturated; background meter in QuickView is close
to or at 100%.
Too much signal on the detector, due to either:
High amounts of airborne water vapor when observing near 20µm;
Forgot to remove ZnSe filter for 20µm observing;
Sector wheel in the beam.
Halt data acquisition.
Home the sector wheel by typing the command
m sechome=1
This will remove it from the beam.
Verify that the ZnSe filter is out if observing near 20 µm. Note:
you are allowed to remove the window ONLY if the dewpoint is at least 10
degrees below the current dome temperature.
Try using a different filter with lower throughput, or reducing the frametime
in the current filter (by using XCALCT).
Images are contaminated by excess light and the coyote tip window
shows continuous askmotor messages scrolling by.
The sector wheel is cycling continuously.
Halt data acquisition.
Click the red Motor Halt on the XLWS GUI to stop the sector wheel.
Issue the keyword command
m sechome=1
to re-home the sector wheel.
Re-start data acquisition.
When commanded to home, the filter, grating, or aperture wheel returns
immediately, as if already at home. However, no motors appear to have moved.
The cable carrying the home signal is loose.
Have summit staff check the connection on the cable between LWS and the
breakout box (B.O.B.).
After initiating a home command, the mechanism never stops
moving. Output on the coyote tip window repeats message: Askmotor
The homing switch failed to trigger during the mechanism movements.
In the keokea window, issue the command
tellmotor K
Try homing the mechanism again. If the problem persists, call your SA.
When running a dither script or issuing moves from the command line or
QuickView, the telescope does not move; i.e., FACSUM shows no change in
position and the stars on the guider do not move.
The DCS simulator software is running.
Type the following command in a keokea window to halt the simulator:
When taking a chop-nod exposure, the telescope does not nod (i.e., FACSUM
offset coordinates do not change and the images of the guide star do not
In chop-nod mode, the images taken in the alternate nod beam are displayed
as negative, rather than positive images.
The chop and nod parameters are not set appropriately.
Shut down and re-start the XLWS gui.
Bring up the chop-nod control window by clicking the Chop/Nod
button on the XLWS gui.
Halt the chopper by pressing the Stop button on the Chop/Nod
Verify that chop angle and throw are set properly.
Re-start the chopper by clicking the Start button.
Verify that the chop angle is correct by comparing the relative orientation
of the chop beams seen on the guider eavesdrop display with the orientation
of the field given by the guider compass rose.
Take a chop-nod exposure and verify that the telescope now nods properly.
QuickView does not respond to mouse input; e.g., selecting different tools
has no effect, can't make vector plots with middle mouse, etc.
QuickView has crashed.
Raise the IDL window behind the QuickView display and check for evidence
of a fatal error.
If QuickView has crashed, type exit to quit IDL.
Re-start QuickView from the LWS Control menu on the OpenWindows
pulldown menu.
Quickview responds to commands but the image is not updating.
You are not acquiring data.
QuickView is in static mode
QuickView cannot find the data because the output directory changed
The datataking system has crashed.
Verify that you are acquiring data by checking the Xpose-LWS GUI; the box
at upper left should read "Acquiring." If not, then you are not taking
data and must start and exposure.
If you are acquiring data but the coyote tip window is not giving
messages on a regular basis (at least every nod cycle) then the data-taking
system has crashed; go here for further help.
Verify that QuickView is in "dynamic mode" by selecting the Buffer
Control menu and clicking the dynamic mode button.
If you have changed the output directory then you must quit and restart
The image on quickview shows only vertical stripes, rather than a subtracted
Either the detector is off or QuickView is displaying raw data.
Verify that detector power is on by checking the XLWS GUI.
Select the Buffer Control menu in QuickView and ensure
that the Chop Difference option is selected.
Image displayed by QuickView seems to include multiple objects or multiple
Either QuickView is in "accumulate" mode or the colormap stretch is inappropriate.
Select the Buffer Control menu in QuickView and ensure
that the Non-Accumulate option is selected.
Adjust the contrast and brightness by clicking and dragging right mouse
in the image window.
Observer clicked Start on Xpose/LWS but the exposure did not start.
Data-taking system was already acquiring data when Start was pressed.
New exposure can't be started until the previous one is stopped.
Use Abort to quit the exposure in progress, then click Start
If this fails, you may have a problem with the datataking
system hung or an invalid outdir.
The XLWS GUI displays incorrect values for the current aperture, grating,
filter, etc.
XLWS has lost communications with the keyword library.
Sometimes XLWS is just a bit slow; waiting a minute may clear the problem.
Check the keywords from the command line to ensure that they are really
begin reported incorrectly by XLWS. For example, if the grating name is
bad on XLWS, type the following command in a keokea window to
determine whether the problem lies in the keyword library or in XLWS:
s graname
If the reported value is the same as that given by XLWS, then they keyword
library is at fault. If they differ, XLWS is the problem.
If incorrect settings persist beyond a minute, kill and re-start the XLWS
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Last modified: Sat Oct 14 23:17:21 HST 2000