Warm up curves for both the Red and Blue dewars for the time period 23-25 Oct 2009. LRIS was installed at the cass position on the night of Friday, 23 Oct 2009 and was used during the night. On Saturday, 24 Oct 2009, LRIS was powered down, removed from the Cass position, moved to the nas deck, red side stinger removed, rotated 180 degrees to dump cryo from the red side, and powered on. One hour later, the lris red crate and associated processes were restarted. The two dewars were then allowed to warm to ambient. The Red dewar did not warm to ambient before it was removed from LRIS to be shipped to Lick for troubleshooting the red detector. Thus, we don't quite know when the Red dewar reaches ambient.
Blue side hold time of 23 hours with following conditions:
Red side hold time of 24.6 hours with the following conditions: