Below is a sample telnet session which shows the API controller responses to several commands. The user first logs in and types the stat command. Notice that the command appears twice because both the telnet program and the controller echo what has been typed. Note also that the controller command language is not case sensitive.
Three verify commands are typed to display the bit values of I1 and I2, the API input bits, and of O1, the output bits.
The set and reset commands are used to change the state of output bit 1.
Lastly, CTRL-] (the control key and the right
bracket key pressed simultaneously) is used to leave the
session and get the TELNET prompt. Then the quit
command is used to exit telnet. Note that if you logged into
a remote computer first, then used TELNET to log in to a
controller, the CTRL-] and quit will log
lrisserver{lrisdev}61: telnet tsblue 3015 Trying Connected to tsblue. Escape character is '^]'. 0> stat stat E - ENCODER POSITION = 0 ER - ENCODER RESOLUTION = 4000 P - POSITION = 1027603 MR - MOTOR RESOLUTION = 5000 UP - USER POSITION = 1027603 UR - USER RESOLUTION = 5000 A - ACCELERATION TIME(ms) = 1000 D - DECELERATION TIME(ms) = 1000 B - BASE SPEED = 500 H - MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT = 20000 M - MAXIMUM SLEW SPEED = 20000 J - JOG SPEED = 50 N - LAST INDEX DISTANCE = 50000 RD - USER RAMP DATA FILE # = -1 PE - MAX. POSITION ERR.(E) = 400 ME - CURRENT MOTOR ERR.(M) = 0 DW - DEADBAND WINDOW (E) = 10 CG - POSITION CORRECT GAIN = 100 CV - MAX CORRECT VELOCITY = 1000 EF - ENCODER FUNCTIONS = 00000000 SP - STALL DET. PROGRAM# = -1 UA - UNITS ACT(0=M,1=E,2=U)= 0 I1 - STATES, INPUT SET 1 = 00111110 ID1- INPUT DEFINITION 1 = 11111111 I2 - STATES, INPUT SET 2 = 11100111 ID2- INPUT DEFINITION 2 = 11111111 O1 - STATES, OUTPUT SET 1 = 10000000 OD1- OUTPUT DEFINITION 1 = 11111111 JP - JOG PLUS INPUT # = 0 JM - JOG MINUS INPUT # = 0 SI - STOP INPUT # = 0 HI - HOLD INPUT # = 0 LA - LIMIT ACTION SETTINGS = 10000000 OF - OTHER FUNCT. ENABLES = 00000001 F - FREE SPACE = 22524 G - AUTOSTART PROGRAM # = -1 Q - POWER UP TIME (10ms) = 10 R - LOW POWER TIME (10ms) = 0 S - NO POWER TIME (10ms) = 100 U - UNIT DESIGNATION = 0 W - CURRENT PROGRAM # = 0 X - INSTRUCTION ADDR = 0 Y - LOOP COUNTER = 0 Z - CURRENT LINE NUMBER = 0 T - LINES TO DISPLAY = 25 SC - SCREEN WIDTH = 80 0> 0> ver i2 ver i2 0 "I2 = 11100111" 0> 0> ver i1 ver i1 0 "I1 = 00111110" 0> 0> reset 1 reset 1 0> ver o1 ver o1 0 "O1 = 00000000" 0> set 1 set 1 0> ver o1 ver o1 0 "O1 = 10000000" 0> ^] telnet> quit