Below is an example of the output from the startup script. Observer input is in bold
Welcome to the LRIS initialization script. You should ALWAYS run this script at the start of any observing nights of your run to undo any changes that the previous observer made to LRIS and to re-initialize hardware ans software. Do you want to continue running the setup script? (y/n) [y]: y Hunting dcsSim processes on lris-red... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You are now talking to the REAL DCS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter names of observing team members [LRIS Eng]: LRIS ENG setting observer = LRIS ENG (wait) Do you want to create a new data directory? (y/n) [y]: Setting RED outdir to /sdata243/lris6/2009oct22 Setting BLUE outdir to /sdata243/lris6/2009oct22 Checking available disk space...OK Enter starting RED image number [1]: 1 setting frameno = 1 (wait) Enter starting BLUE image number [1]: 1 setting frameno = 1 (wait) Do you want to reset LRIS components to their default state? (y/n) [y]: y setting trapdoor = closed (wait) setting lamps = lamp1 status 0 lamp2 status 0 lamp3 status 0 lamp4 status 0 lamp5 status 0 lamp6 status 0 (wait) setting blufocus = -3450.000000 (wait) setting rfocmod = Pos (wait) setting rfoccal = homed (wait) setting redfocus = -0.606 (wait) setting home = 3 (wait) setting graname = mirror (wait) setting grangle = 13.880000 (wait) Resetting CCDs to their nominal setup... setting ampmode = DUAL:L+R (wait) setting pane = initial x 0 initial y 0 span x 4096 span y 4096 (wait) setting voffset0 = 1810 (wait) setting voffset1 = 1842 (wait) setting voffset2 = 1904 (wait) setting voffset3 = 1796 (wait) setting numamps = 4 (wait) setting amplist = First amp readout 1 Second amp readout 4 Third amp readout 0 Fourth amp readout 0 (wait) setting ccdsel = mosaic (wait) setting binning = Xbinning 1 Ybinning 1 (wait) setting window = chip number 1 xstart 0 ystart 0 xlen 2048 ylen 4096 (wait) setting prepix = 51 (wait) setting postpix = 80 (wait) Resetting other keywords to fiducial values... ccdmode: invoked with speed=normal binning=1,1 setting binning = Xbinning 1 Ybinning 1 (wait) lserclkd was 91 setting lserclkd = 80 (wait) Error setting precol: no output function defined for prescan-columns Invalid string value: Invalid keyword: dform OK Forcing software to re-read positions of all stages...OK Checking red header keywords information file...NORMAL Checking blue header keywords information file...NORMAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instrument initialization completed ------------------------------------------------------------------------