Only Trained
Personnel should change Slitmasks
Changing a Slitmask
- Login to honolii as lriseng.
- Select 'Engineering | Changeout | All
Reconfiguration Software' in the desktop
- Juke the slitmask box using the Engineering GUIs
available from the desktop menu.
- Or click on the 'S' button next to the slitmask display box on
XLRIS to get the Slitmask Selector pull down menu. Select the direct slitmask.
- Only slitmasks may be changed in situ.á Remove LRIS to the Cass Platform as per
procedures if you are also changing gratings and filters.á Rotate LRIS to the grating changeout
position.á If LRIS is out of the
telescope this is with the dewars at 12 oÆclock position (180—), or if in
the telescope this is at 173¦.
- Locate the masks that are being installed
in LRIS.á Engineering masks are kept in
the grey cabinet on the nas deck.á Custom
masks are in the instrument lab.á See these
instructions on how to locate custom slitmasks. Transport
slitmasks in the case to avoid damaging them.
- Unscrew the guide pin on the right side of the slitmask box
then pull to remove.
- Open the cover to the slimask juke box.
- Rotate the retaining knobs adjacent to the position of the
slitmask to be removed, remove the mask and stow in the slitmask case.
- Remove the desired slitmask from the slitmask case, install in
the empty position and rotate the retaining knobs to secure the slitmask. The arrow on the slitmask frame must point toward the
secondary mirror.
- Repeat the above two steps until all desired slitmasks are
removed and installed.
- Insert the guide pin and close the cover to the slitmask box.
- Verify that the 4 amber LEDs on the bottom of the
slitmask box are dark indicating that the cover has been fully closed
and the guide pin has been inserted.
- Return the slitmask box(es) to the appropriate place.
Reconfiguring Software Table to Reflect the Change
- Use the LRIS
Reconfiguration GUI.
- Enter the barcode number for user masks
- Alternatively to the GUI, you can use the command line Select 'lrisserver command tool' listed under 'Login
Windows" from the desktop menu. Type 'configure slitname' at
the lrisserver prompt to get a list of the current slitmasks and their positions
in LRIS.á Type 'configure -d slitname slitmask
name' (i.e. configure -d slitname long_0.7) to delete the names of the masks
that were removed from the LRIS slitmask box.á
Type 'configure slitname slitmask name= position#' (i.e.
configure slitname long_0.7=2) to add the names of the masks that were added to
the LRIS slitmask box.
- 4. Verify the changes by using the
Optic Configuration GUIs from the pull down and hit
update or by typing "consort" on lrisserver xterm to see new
If There Are No Other LRIS
Install LRIS in the telescope as per procedures.
Run the LRIS Checkout Script. Please see the LRIS Checkout Script
Doc Revision History
- 1999 Mar 16 - Eli Morris
- 2004Mar 21 - scd - Updated for in situ changeout, GUI control and
proper shutdown.
- 2009Oct20 - MK - Updated page formatting. Updated the
instructions for "If there are no other LRIS changes" to
view the lris checkout script doc.