A rich library of LRIS commands exists and can serve as building blocks for LRIS scripts of greater complexity. To use these commands, simply include them in a shell script as shown in the example below.
#!/bin/csh -f # # Name: # foo # # Purpose: # Acquire calibration data (flats and arc lamps) for several # slitmasks, consisting of # 3 flatfield exposures in red and blue # 1 Ne/Ar arc lamp in red # 1 Hg/Kr/Xe arc lamp in red #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # set up the instrument as desired... trapclose # close trapdoor dichroic 560 # select dichroic filterr R # select red filter filterb clear # select blue filter grism 300/4000 # select grism grating -mswave 600/7500 7000 # select grating and central wavelength # loop over the masks we want to calibrate... foreach mask ( foo1.bar foo2.bar foo3.bar ) slit $mask # select the slitmask # acquire 3 flatfield images on blue and red sides... object Flatfield image for mask $mask lamps hal # turn on Hal lamp tintr 2 # set red integration time to 2 sec tintb 4 # set blue integration time to 4 sec sleep 10 # pause while lamp warms up goibr 3 # take three red and three blue images # acquire Ne and Ar image in red... object Ne/Ar arc lamp image for mask $mask lamps Ne Ar # turn on Ne and Ar lamps (Hal off) tintr 10 # set red integration time to 10 sec sleep 10 # pause while lamp warms up goir # take one red image # acquire Hg/Kr/Xe image in blue... object Hg/Kr/Xe arc lamp image for mask $mask lamps Hg Kr Xe # turn on Hg, Kr, and Xe lamps (others off) tintb 20 # set blue integration time to 20 sec sleep 10 # pause while lamp warms up goib # take one blue image end # turn off lamps... lamps off