annotated init.tcl picture


This program performs a number of initialization and "syncronization" functions.


Launch the program by typing the following command at the lrisserver command line:


  • Click the API MOTOR CONTROLLERS button to initialize and configure all LRIS motor controllers. Default operating parameter values are downloaded to each controller. This is equivalent to the following keyword command:
    modify -s lris init=1
  • Click the ABSOLUTE ENCODERS button to initialize and configure all LRIS absolute encoders. This downloads default operating parameter values to each controller. It also sets the readout mode to the appropriate value, either HEXADECIMAL or DECIMAL. This is equivalent to the following keyword command:
    modify -s lris init=2
  • Click the STAGE POSITIONS button to have the software interrogate every stage feedback mechanism, determine the current position of each and write this value to the state file. This is sometimes necessary if, for some reason, the state file and the instrument become "out of sync." This is equivalent to the following keyword command:
    modify -s lris init=3
  • Click the ALL ABOVE button to perform all 3 of the functions described above. This is equivalent to the following keyword command:
    modify -s lris init=0
  • Click the QUIT button to terminate the program.
Last modified: 12/28/2011 20:18
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