1. Login to honolii as lriseng
2. Select 'Engineering | Changeout | All Reconfiguration Software' in the desktop menu.
3. Juke the filter box to the Clear position with xlris or xterm command.
4. LRIS must be removed to the platform to change a filter. Remove LRIS to the Cass Platform as per procedures.
5. Rotate LRIS to the filter changeout position -- the dewars are at 12 o'clock (180°).
6. Open the cover to the red filter juke box. Remove the guide pin from the right side of the juke box.
7. Rotate the retaining knobs in the position of the filter to be removed.
8. Using the filter handle, located on gray cabinet on the Nasmyth deck, remove the red filter and stow in the red filter case. Transport red filters in the case to avoid damaging them.
9. Using the filter handle, remove the desired red filter from the filter case and install it in the empty position. The arrows on the red filter frames must point towards the secondary.
10. Rotate the retaining knobs to secure the filter. Insert the guide pin and close the cover to the filter juke box.
11. Verify that the 4 amber LEDs on the bottom of the filter juke box are dark indicating that the cover has been fully closed and the guide pin has been inserted.
12. Return the filter case to the gray cabinet on the Nasmyth deck.
1. Use the LRIS Reconfiguration GUI.
2. Repeat until all filters that were installed are reconfigured.
3. Or by the command line as follows:
4. Type 'configure redfilt' at the lrisserver xterm prompt to get a list of the current red filters and their positions. Type 'configure -d redfilt filter name' (i.e. configure -d rfedfilt GG495) to delete the names of the red filters that were removed from the LRIS red filter box. Type 'configure redfilt filter name = position#' (i.e. configure redfilt OG570=5) to add the names of the red filters that were installed in the LRIS red filter box.
5. Verify the changes by typing "consort' on lrisserver xterm to see new reconfiguration or from the optics config GUI.
1. Install LRIS in the telescope as per procedures.
2. Select 'Engineering | Checkout LRIS' in the desktop menu.
3. Press 'y' to start the checkout script.
4. Note if the script has any problems executing and notify support astronomer or inst tech.
5. Select Shut Down from workspace 'Engineering | LRIS Control Menu | Shutdown LRIS s/w'. This should be done to ensure background tasks are closed and HQ can start up LRIS.
6. Select logout from the FVWM desktop workspace menu.
7. Update the summit activities instrument schedule (SIAS) on the web.