KCWI Scripts documentation
- observer - Returns or sets the observer
- newdir - Create a new data directory
- kcwiFillBlue - Move the articulation stage to the fill position
- save_state - Saves the instrument configuration to a file
- kcwiUnFillBlue - Move the articulation stage away from the fill position
- checkOutputDirs - Shows information about directories and file names
- restore_state - Restores the instrument configuration contained in a file
- object - Returns or sets the object
- outdir - Returns or sets the outdir
- kcwiTempStatus - Show temperature status of the instrument
- kcwiPower - Turn on or off the power to the instrument
- kcwiHomeStages - Show homing status and home stages
- kcwiPowerStatus - Show power status of the instrument
- fpcamPower - Turn on or off the power to the FP camera
- moveFpc - Move the telescope using FPC coordinates (x1,y1) (x2,y2)
- kfcDisplay - Automatic display for Focal Plane Camera
- kcwiDisplayb - Automatic display for Science Camera
- goifpc - Take focal plane camera exposure(s)
- goifpc_sequence - Take focal plane camera sequences
- goib - Take blue channel exposure(s)
- cwaveb - Show or modify the blue central wavelength
- filterb - Show or modify the blue filter
- camangleb - Show or modify the blue camera angle
- parkbex - Park the BEX mechanisms
- gratingb - Show or modify the blue grating
- nsmaskb - Show or modify the N&S mask position
- focusb - Show or modify the blue camera focus
- grangleb - Show or modify the blue grating angle
- slicer - Show or modify the image slicer
- pwaveb - Show or modify the blue peak wavelength
- hatch - Open or close the hatch
- lamp_shutter - Open/Close or query status of calibration lamps
- polarizer - Show or modify the polarizer position
- lamp - Turn on/off or query status of calibration lamps
- calmirror - Show or modify the position of the calibration mirror
- kcas_calib - Parses a calibration flat file and take calibration images
- polangle - Show or modify the polarizer angle
- calobject - Show or modify the position of the Cal Object stage
- tintfc - Show or modify the focal plane camera exposure time
- ccdspeedb - Show or modify the blue camera gain ccdspeed
- autoshutb - Show or modify the blue camera autoshutter
- gainmulb - Show or modify the blue camera gain multiplier
- ccdmodeb - Show or modify the blue camera gain ccdmode
- tintb - Show or modify the blue camera exposure time
- ampmodeb - Show or modify the blue camera amplifier mode
- binningb - Show or modify the blue camera binning mode
- framerootfpc - Returns the root name for images
- setframer - Set the next frame number to num or to the last frame plus one
- frameb - Set the frame number to num or return the current frameno
- lastfilefpc - Returns the full name of the last saved image
- setframefpc - Set the next frame number to num or to the last frame plus one
- framerootb - Returns the root name for images
- nextfiler - Returns one plus the FRAMENO of the last saved image
- nextimager - Returns the full name of the next image
- lastfileb - Returns the full name of the last saved image
- nextfilefpc - Returns one plus the FRAMENO of the last saved image
- setframeb - Set the next frame number to num or to the last frame plus one
- nextimagefpc - Returns the full name of the next image
- framer - Set the frame number to num or return the current frameno
- framerootr - Returns the root name for images
- nextfileb - Returns one plus the FRAMENO of the last saved image
- nextimageb - Returns the full name of the next image
- framefpc - Set the frame number to num or return the current frameno
- lastfiler - Returns the full name of the last saved image