Show or modify the blue grating
usage: gratingb: [-h, --help] grating [-nomove]
from KCWI import Blue
from KCWI.Helper import say
import argparse
import sys
# Parsing arguments
description = "Show or modify the blue grating"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('grating',nargs="?",default=None, help='Grating to be selected')
parser.add_argument('-nomove',required=False, default=False,action='store_true', help='If set, do not execute the move, only set targets')
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parser.parse_args()
print "Grating: "+str(args.grating)
print "NoMove: "+str(args.nomove)
if args.nomove == True:
move = False
move = True
grating = Blue.gratingb(target=args.grating,move=move)
say("Blue Grating: %s" % (grating))