1. Background

Both the red and blue storage dewars and CCD cryostats are not accessible without removing some of the external panels. For this reason, the blue and red cameras and dewars can be rotated until the fill and vent connectors come in contact with similar connectors installed on the external panel. Once that happens, the external connectors are in direct connection to the dewar and the fill can be initiated.

There are two important factors to keep in mind, for both blue and red:

  1. The motion of the camera to the fill position is the result of a software operation, and it must be completed and verified before the fill can initiate
  2. The camera is kept at the fill position by a motor, and if the instrument loses power, the camera moves away from the fill position

Blue directions are just below.

Red directions are below the blue, jump by clicking here .

2. Summary of the BLUE procedure

  1. Login to kcwiserver as kcwieng (in an engineering VNC window)
  2. Open the blue mechanisms gui
  3. Run kcwiFillBlue
  4. Initiate the fill, monitoring that the instrument is powered up
  5. On the same terminal, run kcwiUnfillBlue

3. Detailed procedure for BLUE fills

1. Login to kcwiserver as kcwieng (in an engineering VNC window)

During the initial phases of installation and commissioning, please use this vnc connection:


The password is the same as for every other engineering account (point me...)

If for some reason the connection to the VNC is not available, for example because the VNC server is not running, it is sufficient to ssh into kcwiserver as per previous instructions.


2. Open the blue mechanism cryo fill GUI

From the background menu (right click), go to:

KCWI Engineering -> KCWI Cryo Fills -> Start Blue Fill GUI

This will bring up a simplified version of the blue mechanisms GUI, focused only the fill procedure.


The main reason to have this GUI available is that we want to have visual confirmation that the instrument is in the lock position. The instrument is in the fill position when the following conditions are met:

The GUI already has all these checkes built in, with expected values, so it should be easy to verify that the conditions are met.


3. Run kcwiFillBlue command

From the background menu:

KCWI Engineering -> KCWI Cryo Fills -> Move to Blue Fill Position  

This will initiate the move to the fill position, and it will provide confirmation that it is safe to fill the instrument.

If this procedure fails because the "moves are locked", open a terminal as "kcwieng" from the login menu, and issue the following commands.

modify -s kbms movelock=2468

modify -s kbms status=OK

If the moves are still locked, call the Instrument Master.


4. Initiate the fill

Following standard procedures, initiate the fill. Note that the fill connector has been extended to reach the back of the instrument, while the vent is still on the left side of the instrument (facing the telescope).

During the entire fill, make sure that the instrument has power. In the case of a power outage, or a suspected loss of power localized to the instrument, immediately stop the fill, otherwise you could spill nitrogen inside the instrument.


5. Run the kcwiUnFillBlue script to move the camera away from the fill position.

There is a possilbility of ice forming at the contact point between the fill lines coming from the camera and the connectors inside the instrument, which could prevent the camera from moving away from the fill position. For this reason, it is safer to wait for at least 60 minutes before proceeding to move the camera after the fill has ended.

The script that moves the camera away from the fill position has a built-in timer that allows you to run the script as soon as you are dong filling the dewar while preserving the 60 minutes delay.

From the background menu:

KCWI Engineering -> KCWI Cryo Fills -> Move AWAY from Blue Fill position         

Because this command can have severe consequences if it is accidentally run during a fill, it asks for a double confirmation that you really want to move the camera. After the two questions, you will be asked how long you want to wait before moving the camera. The default answer is 60 minutes, so just type "60" but you can change the value if you want to wait longer or if you have already waited long enough.

A timer will start counting down, and the camera will be moved away from the fill position at the end of the countdown.

IMPORTANT: do not close the terminal in which the script is running. It is ok to disconnect from the VNC.

4. Summary of the RED procedure

  1. Login to kcwiserver as kcwieng (in an engineering VNC window)
  2. Open the red mechanisms cryo fill gui
  3. Run kcwiFillRed
  4. Initiate the fill, monitoring that the instrument is powered up
  5. On the same terminal, run kcwiUnfillRed

5. Detailed procedure for RED fills

1. Login to kcwiserver as kcwieng (in an engineering VNC window)

During the initial phases of installation and commissioning, please use this vnc connection:


The password is the same as for every other engineering account (point me...)

If for some reason the connection to the VNC is not available, for example because the VNC server is not running, it is sufficient to ssh into kcwiserver as per previous instructions.


2. Open the red mechanisms GUI

From the background menu (right click), go to:

KCWI Engineering -> KCWI Cryo Fills -> Start Red Fill GUI

This will bring up a simplified version of the red mechanisms GUI, focused only the fill procedure.


The main reason to have this GUI available is that we want to have visual confirmation that the instrument is in the lock position. The instrument is in the fill position when the following conditions are met:

The GUI already has all these checks built in, with expected values, so it should be easy to verify that the conditions are met.


3. Run kcwiFillRed command

From the background menu:

KCWI Engineering -> KCWI Cryo Fills -> Move to Red Fill Position 

This will initiate the move to the fill position, and it will provide confirmation that it is safe to fill the instrument.

If this procedure fails because the "moves are locked", open a terminal as "kcwieng" from the login menu, and issue the following commands.

modify -s krms movelock=2468

modify -s krms status=OK

If the moves are still locked, call the Instrument Master.


4. Initiate the fill

Following standard procedures, initiate the fill. Note that the fill connector has been extended to reach the back of the instrument, while the vent is still on the left side of the instrument (facing the telescope).

During the entire fill, make sure that the instrument has power. In the case of a power outage, or a suspected loss of power localized to the instrument, immediately stop the fill, otherwise you could spill nitrogen inside the instrument.


5. Run the kcwiUnFillRed script to move the camera away from the fill position.

There is a possilbility of ice forming at the contact point between the fill lines coming from the camera and the connectors inside the instrument, which could prevent the camera from moving away from the fill position. For this reason, it is safer to wait for at least 60 minutes before proceeding to move the camera after the fill has ended.

The script that moves the camera away from the fill position has a built-in timer that allows you to run the script as soon as you are dong filling the dewar while preserving the 60 minutes delay.

From the background menu:

KCWI Engineering -> KCWI Cryo Fills -> Move AWAY from Red Fill Position 

Because this command can have severe consequences if it is accidentally run during a fill, it asks for a double confirmation that you really want to move the camera. After the two questions, you will be asked how long you want to wait before moving the camera. The default answer is 60 minutes, so just type "60" but you can change the value if you want to wait longer or if you have already waited long enough.

A timer will start counting down, and the camera will be moved away from the fill position at the end of the countdown.

IMPORTANT: do not close the terminal in which the script is running. It is ok to disconnect from the VNC.