No CCD Temperature Control
Check the CCD temperature
Check the temperature display on the right side of the ESI Dashboard GUI.
If it shows as blue the CCD is too cold. (Red means it is too warm; but that
is a different problem.) Or,
Check the temperature and heater voltage using the "Tricorder" panel from
the GUI. Or,
Check via keyword.
On kanaha, type "show -s esi tempdet pwrblok".
Check to make sure tempdet is near the set point (-120) and pwrblok is nonzero.
- If tempdet is low and pwrblok is nonzero, recheck the same keywords after
a minute or two. TEMPDET should be rising to the set point. If it is the same,
and in particular if the two values are exactly the same, the crate
still may be locked up. See "Reboot the CCD crate" below.
Reboot the CCD crate
If pwrblok is zero, and the CCD is too cold, then
reboot the CCD crate in the computer room.
ESI Master
27 December 1999