The task list follows KSD 153 with tasks added at the end which are more ESI-specific. Comments on specific implementation are added in italics.

2. Initial Instrument Computer Setup

2.1 Set up a new name for the instrument computer.
Instrument computer is "kanaha," CCD computer is "koki".
2.2 Set up summit user accounts with home directories rooted on the instrument machine. Accounts will be "esi," "esieng," and "esi1" through "esi20". HQ accounts will be rooted in a similar place to other instruments (e.g. papahaku:/home/instrhome1/...).
Currently both kanaha and koki have separate home directories. This may be revisited at some point after the first commissioning run.
2.3 Set up passwords appropriately.
2.4 Make "esi" account available to other machines via yp.
Kalama/kawa will not have these accounts.
2.5 Modify yp (kalama auto.home, etc.) and kalama /etc/hosts for kanaha and koki.
Will not be done for ESI, to minimize crossmounts.
2.6 Check that kanaha and koki can access Keck printers (summit and HQ).
JChock. Also, ask JSimmons to create a bits queue.
2.7 A link to summit /nightly2.
We are not going to do this for ESI to avoid crossmounts. For MAlign data, will create an malign subdirectory.
2.8 Is a disk mirroring system in place?
Need to implement a cron job. (JChock)
2.9 Do we have enough disk space for science?
Yes. We now have ~64 GB, since Jon got six more 9 GB disks for us.
2.10 Assign IP addresses.

3. Licenses

3.1 Check if IDL, Dataviews, etc. licenses are in place.

4. Software (Libraries, etc.)

4.1a Populate instrument computer with latest versions of SKY, Facsum, show, xshow, modify, DCS keyword library, DCS simulator and simulator support package.
FACSUM needs to have "-noacs"; use Solaris HQ machine for SKY
b. Bring over ACS keyword library if needed (e.g. for MAlign). Bring over libkidl, etc. Maybe just bring over "core" /kroot.
Don't need libkidl on kanaha yet.
c. Make dcs keyword library available via "dcs" as well.
4.2 Populate DCS computer with the instrument keyword library if the operating systems are compatible.
OSs are not compatible.
4.3 Make software /kroot tree owned by kics.
4.4 See if realtime data reduction support is needed which requires instrument keyword libraries to be available on non-instrument machines.
Not needed at this point.
4.5 Bring over to instrument machine: /usr/local/multiple_screens, os, etc.
Not needed.

5. Instrument Account on Summit

5.1 Try and retain most of original stuff.
5.2 Test account in Keck's whole networked environment. (E.g. getting to other summit machines, other HQ machines, etc.)
5.3 In the main INSTRUMENT account (on summit and HQ), create a ~/config subdirectory that represents the template for numbered instrument accounts. Set this up under CVS.
Not under CVS yet (EChock, low priority).

6. Other User Account Details

6.1 Modify .login file to support multiple_screens.
6.2 Update /usr/local/etc/multiple_screens file with new instrument machine, if it is multiheaded.
Not necessary.
6.3 Update .openwin-menu per generic .openwin-menu.
For HQ accounts only, add keck_menu (not completely available on the summit).
6.4 May need to set up IDL environment variables to ensure enough IDL licenses are available--use the generic setup.
Done at HQ.
6.5 Determine if we will initially run instrument from the instrument account, the engineering account, or one of the numbered accounts. Set up pull-down options appropriately.
Instrument will be run from esi1 or esi2 during commissioning.

7. Testing at HQ and on the Summit

7.1 Test each type of account on summit and at HQ.
7.2 Make sure tcsh works.
7.3 Ensure we do not have auto-logout. (Disable it by adding "unset autologout" in .cshrc file.)
7.4 Confirm that xgterm works.
7.5 Confirm that Netscape works, including bookmarks.
7.6 Check that IDL, IRAF (cl, ncl, saoimage, saotng, ximtool) work from appropriate machines. May need to do lmkiraf beforehand, although this should be done in "conk."
7.7 Test show/xshow/modify of instrument keywords, as well as DCS keywords.
7.8 Test guider eavesdrop, Facsum, SKY (plan mode), XMET, tkroses (instrument and guider), and chopper display if applicable.
7.9 Check that you can open remote windows from the pull-down menu.
7.10 From the engineering and numbered accounts, and the instrument master account if desired, make sure that you can run the instrument.
7.11 Check the FITS headers for keyword completeness and accuracy.
BobG to go through FITS headers for completeness.
7.12 From HQ only, check access to "keck_menu".

8. Accessing DCS (Real and Simulated Modes)

8.1 There is no 8.1.
8.2 Test ability to switch between real and simulated modes, and that the correct keywords are being read.

9. Science Data Disks

9.1 Assign science data disk sequence (e.g. /sdata700, /sdata701, etc.)
BobK needs to rename the ESI disks /data1 and /data2 to /sdata700 and /sdata701.
9.2 Make data disks available via "/s" from both summit and HQ.
JSimmons, after BobK does 9.1

10. Other Tasks

10.1 Add instrument to Remedy's Instrument list.
10.2 Add instrument to dcsgui "Select Instrument" and create ~kNtel/qfix parameter files.
10.3 Add instrument's guider(s) to xguide pull-down menu if appropriate.
To be released Wednesday, August 18.
10.4 Update MAlign files if appropriate, and create an MAlign control script.
Tcl/tk GUI for MAlign control has been produced and debugged.
10.5 Update SKY to support new instrument.
AConrad and TStickel
10.6 Update "conk" script for numbered accounts, both HQ and summit.
Currently must be run from manuka.
10.7 Update data disk scrubbing program.
NIRC-style "wiper" and "trickle" are in place, using new paradigm which copies data to an HQ scratch disk before sending to a bits queue. Still undergoing testing. (JSimmons/BobG)
10.8 Update archiving procedures (STB).
In place, but see above for problems with the kanaha bits queue.
10.9 Update the daily chortl script to check instrument's science disk available space.
10.10 Update automated archive monitor (archmon). Add to instrument startup script.
Waiting for archiver issues to settle. (AConrad)

11. Other ESI Tasks

11.1 Add new accounts to the appropriate group(s) or create those groups. Also add to starlist group.
No action at this time except to add to starlist group.
11.2 Check time source for xntp if appropriate.
11.3 Add instrument computers and accounts to tape backup schedule.
11.4 Change hostnames on private net to new hostnames.
BobK, JChock, summit
11.5 Create a DCS oneshot command for instrument, if appropriate.
AConrad, low priority.
11.6 Create MAlign files for ESI guider.
11.7 Move Dataviews from /u/alt-u/kics/dv to a more appropriate place.
AConrad has installed Dataviews 9.5.
11.8 Diagnose "packet storm" problem during readout display.
BobK and JChock
11.9 Test DCS v3.4 and v3.2h on Keck II.
DCS v3.4 has problems on both telescopes; we have used v3.2h for ESI engineering.
Plan is to test v3.4 during November ESI run.
11.10 Provide OAs a guider control window.
11.11 Add tip line from terminal server to CCD crate.
JChin/RMatsuda, summit, high priority
11.12 Move tkrose into the DCS release structure on kanaha, and get running.
Currently we can use tkrose, but it is not within the DCS release structure.
11.13 Move XMET into the DCS release structure and get running.
11.14 Get and swapwatch running as cron jobs.
EChock; BobG to provide trigger value.
11.15 Write "dump_watch" to check backup dates.
Al has initial version; needs to be integrated into cron job, etc.
11.16 Put a /kroot/starlists link on kanaha.
11.17 Get tklogger working.