A1 Initial rough pointing (globular cluster).
- Autofoc on star.
A2 Handedness of guider (TVFLIP).
- Refine pointing with SAO/GSC stars.
A4 Refine rotator zero-point (ROTBASE).
A6 Determine rough guider plate scale.
A7 Verify guiding.
- Check collimations once ROTBASE is set.
A5 Check REF pointing origin.
C2 Check SLIT pointing origin.
B1,B2 Check handedness and angle of instrument coordinate system (INSTFLIP and INSTANGL). (This requires an accurate ROTBASE.)
B3 Check functionality of offsetting in instrument coordinates.
A7 Confirm functionality of xguide.
A8 Check centering across boundary between slit and offset mirror.
B4 Estimate instrument's imaging scale.
- Measure MAlign parameters.
D4,D6 Echellette spectrum of a flux standard.
C4,C5 Low-dispersion of flux standard.
- Take dome, twilight, and night-sky flats for comparison.
- Shutter repeatability/photometric accuracy test.
- Imaging sensitivity, including photometry and color terms.
- MAlign through various filters.
- Astrometric binary for accurate scale on guider and science CCD.
- Series of images with different collimator settings.
- MAlign vs. rotator.
- MAlign vs. elevation.
- MAlign calibration data (different pmfm, telfocus, etc.)
- Test guiding/rotator performance through zenith.
- Field steering with collimator.
- BVRI backgrounds (dark sky).
- Night sky emission line profiles vs. collimator focus.
- MAlign vs. collimator focus.
- Field distortion on CCD.
- Field distortion on guider.
- Scattered light; step a bright star off the field.
- MAlign vs. position on slit mask.
- MAlign vs. position on slit mask.
- MAlign vs. position on guider.
- (DAYTIME) Flexure vs. elevation and rotator position.
- (DAYTIME) Measure centers of all slits/filters.