A1 |
Initial rough pointing (globular cluster). |
- |
Autofoc on star.
A2 |
Handedness of guider (TVFLIP). |
- |
Refine pointing with SAO/GSC stars. |
A4 |
Refine rotator zero-point (ROTBASE). |
A3 |
A6 |
Determine rough guider plate scale. |
A7 |
Verify guiding. |
- |
Check collimations once ROTBASE is set. |
A5 |
Check REF pointing origin. |
C2 |
Check SLIT pointing origin. |
B1,B2 |
Check handedness and angle of instrument coordinate system (INSTFLIP and
INSTANGL). (This requires an accurate ROTBASE.) |
B3 |
Check functionality of offsetting in instrument coordinates. |
A7 |
Confirm functionality of xguide. |
A8 |
Check centering across boundary between slit and offset mirror. |
B4 |
Estimate instrument's imaging scale. |
- |
Measure MAlign parameters. |
D4,D6 |
Echellette spectrum of a flux standard. |
C4,C5 |
Low-dispersion of flux standard. |
- |
Take dome, twilight, and night-sky flats for comparison. |
- |
Shutter repeatability/photometric accuracy test. |
- |
Imaging sensitivity, including photometry and color terms. |
- |
MAlign through various filters. |
- |
Astrometric binary for accurate scale on guider and science CCD. |
- |
Series of images with different collimator settings. |
- |
MAlign vs. rotator. |
- |
MAlign vs. elevation. |
- |
MAlign calibration data (different pmfm, telfocus, etc.) |
- |
Test guiding/rotator performance through zenith. |
- |
Field steering with collimator. |
- |
BVRI backgrounds (dark sky). |
- |
Night sky emission line profiles vs. collimator focus. |
- |
MAlign vs. collimator focus. |
- |
Field distortion on CCD. |
- |
Field distortion on guider. |
- |
Scattered light; step a bright star off the field. |
- |
MAlign vs. position on slit mask. |
- |
MAlign vs. position on slit mask. |
- |
MAlign vs. position on guider. |
- |
(DAYTIME) Flexure vs. elevation and rotator position.
- |
(DAYTIME) Measure centers of all slits/filters. |