NOTICE: You can obtain the October 2000 version of MAKEE here. The CalTeck MAKEE site is more up to date.
"MAKEE" (MAuna Kea Echelle Extraction) is a data reduction package for the HIRES instrument at Keck Observatory. It is optimized for the spectral extraction of single, unresolved point sources.
The program "makee" is designed to run non-interactively using a set of default parameters. Taking the raw HIRES FITS files as input, MAKEE produces spectral FITS images (each row is an echelle order). The data values are in arbitrary (relative) units, and each order has a 6th order polynomial heliocentric, vacuum wavelength scale (in Angstroms) stored in the FITS header.
Currently, the program will wavelength calibrate both data from the Red and UV HIRES cross dispersers. It can handle both 1x1 and 1x2 (column x row) binned data on the 2048x2048 HIRES CCD (more info) .
MAKEE Command Syntax | MAKEE Theory of Operations |
HIRES Reduction Cookbook | ESI Reduction Cookbook |
Pipeline Reduction | Obtaining and Installing MAKEE |
Several "0." help files come with the makee package. These include: