Procedure Index


A. Preliminiaries

Bring up the AO tools

  1. Open VNC viewers svncserver:2 and svncserver:3.
  2. Right-click in the background of any of the VNC desktops and select NGS AO Control Menu → Start NGS Calibrations.
  3. Wait for a few minutes until all GUIs are up.

Verify the following GUIs are present

Firefox → K2 AO WYKO display (link only works in the internal network).

Run calibrations setup

IMPORTANT: Make sure the PyWFS dichroic is not in the optical path. On the SC GUI:

Start setting up for calibrations:

Take a test image with ACAM

  1. Keck II calib → Light Source Control → 0.1% = ND3
  2. ACAMTOOL check that Tint(s) is 1.0
  3. ACAMTOOL → goi
  4. Verify that SFP is within 5 pixels of the OPT_AXIS pixel in qfix/acampo.dat; (1056.4, 1039.6) in October 2022

Run DM/WLS registration

  1. Keck II calib → DM/WLS Registration
  2. After Null Centroids, if needed, run fsmoffload from the Calibration toolbox IDL terminal until Cx,Cy in the Keck II - WFS Intensity GUI are less than 0.020

Once the registration is completed, Dismiss the DM/WLS Registration window.

B. Image sharpening

The purpose of this step is to set the DM actuators (hence shape) in a static mode (open loop) so that they correct the non-common path aberrations. The best image quality is achieved via the image sharpening algorithm. If needed, one may also load a previously saved phase map onto the DM via the WYKO.

Establish the initial shape of the DM

You can select one of the following options:

All options above are equally valid although options 2 and 3 tend to converge faster than option 1.

Check health of NIRC2 alad server

Before running the image sharpening, check that the NIRC2 alad server is not crashed. This can be done by simply changing the NIRC2 integration time and check that the time actually changes in the NIRC2 status GUI. In the NIRC2 control terminal type itime 1.

Run image sharpening

Image sharpening for NIRC2 takes about 10 minutes.

  1. Keck II calib → Image Sharpening to start the Image Sharpening Tool
  2. Image Sharpening Tool → CAMERA → NIRC2
  3. Image Sharpening Tool → Auto Image Sharpen

Note the values of the SFPZ position in mm and the RMS of the WF in nm shown in the IDL terminal where image sharpening runs. As a reference, a RMS of the WF less than 35 nm represents a good image sharpening.

Two pop-up windows will appear when the image sharpening is completed:

  1. WYKO phase map: (NOTE: saving the WYKO phase map is optional)

    If you get a pop-up window with a junk.opd error message, it means that there may be a communication problem with the WYKO computer. You can ignore the error and report the problem via a daylog, for instance.

  2. Check image quality of sharpened image. In the NIRC2 Quicklook:
    1. Zoom and pan until the image of the fiber source is well centered on the display.
    2. Plot → Gaussian Fit.
    3. Note the XFWHM and YFWHM.
    The PSF of the sharpened image should look approximately circular and have an average FWMM better than 3.5 pixels.
  3. Hit Dismiss in the Image Sharpening Tool GUI.

Protect NIRC2 detector: In a NIRC2 control terminal, type shutter close and hit Enter.

Save DM voltages file on disk (optional)

C. WFS calibration

  1. Keck II calib → WFS Calibration
  2. Choose instrument → NIRC2-N
  3. Select → 2.4
  4. After Clear Centroids, if needed, run fsmoffload from the Calibration toolbox IDL terminal until Cx,Cy in the Keck II - WFS Intensity GUI are less than 0.020

Once all the steps in the WFS calibration procedure have been completed, hit Dismiss in the WFS Calibration window.

IMPORTANT: Proceed to the daily image quality check procedure.