NGS-AO (required for both, NGS and LGS calibrations)

  1. On the svncserver2:3 VNC desktop, select from the background menu NGS-AO Control → Start NGS calibrations
  2. IMPORTANT: Make sure the PyWFS dichroic is not in the optical path. On the SC GUI:
  3. Keck II Calib → Calibration setup. If prompted:
  4. SC GUI → SF (SFP) → obsfname → nirc2
  5. Keck II Calib → Light Source Control
  6. Check that the AOACQ GUI is in simulator mode (Aoacq - vX.Y CLS SIMULATION MODE). Otherwise, start the AOACQ GUI in simulator mode. In a k2aoserver terminal as k2obsao:
  7. In the Aoacq GUI:
  8. Record a new WFS background:
  9. Setup NIRC2 and take an open-loop image.
    1. If this is not a continuation of the AO calibrations, then you will need to load the latest image-sharpened DM voltage map. Otherwise, the open-loop PSF will look like a cross. This should not affect the closed-loop image quality, though.
    2. In a NIRC2 control window:
      • Type user nirc2eng
      • Type ao_confirmation, which will do the following:
        set a new engineering data directory with "newdir"
        set the object name to "ao_confirmation"
        set filt brgamma
        set camera narrow
        set pupil open
        set shutter open
        set grism clear
        set sampmode 2
        set subc 1024
        set tint 0
        set coadd 40
        set wait4ao off
        Take an image using goi
  10. Check the open-loop image quality
  11. Aoacq GUI → Background: WFS → No (recommended)
  12. Aoacq GUI → Acquire star
  13. MAORI → AO Control
  14. In a NIRC2 control terminal type (goi) to take an image with the AO loops closed.
  15. Check the closed-loop image quality

Additional checkout for LGS-AO

  1. Open the AO loops if they are closed: MAORI → AO Control → LOOP → OPEN
  2. Light Source Control → 0.1% = ND3
  3. Start the LBWFS Img Acq GUI, if it has not been started yet
  4. In the Aoacq GUI:
  5. MAORI → AO Control
  6. Take a closed-loop image with NIRC2. In a NIRC2 control window type ao_confirmation_st, which will do the following:
          set the object name to "ao_confirmation_st"
          set filt brgamma
          set camera narrow
          set pupil open
          set shutter open
          set grism clear
          set sampmode 2
          set subc 1024
          set tint 0.2
          set coadd 40
          set wait4ao off
          Takes an image using goi
  7. Check the closed-loop image quality:
  8. On the the LBWFS Imag Acq GUI:
  9. Check the Focus ctrl and cog ctrl boxes on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  10. Verify that the fast WFS COG updates on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  11. Take additional NIRC2 images and check the closed-loop image quality
  12. Once you are done, hit HALT on the LBWFS Imag Acq GUI, and uncheck the Focus ctrl and cog ctrl boxes on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI

Put everything in safe mode