LGS-AO: Low Bandwidth Wavefront Sensor Manager (LBMngr)

The Low Bandwidth Wavefront Sensor (LBWFS) Manager (LBMngr) is a display tool for the AO operator to monitor and control how the LBWFS data are applied to the AO correction.


GUI Description

  • Radio button turns on/off LBWFS focus control.
  • Color box on right hand side of GUI turns GREEN = on, or RED = off.
  • Sets LBWFS focus control off
  • Sets use COG to focus off
  • Zeros the LBWFS focus contribution
  • Set focus gain to max (currently 1.00)
  • Set DM focus offload off
  • Update Na altitude
  • Set focus gain to mid-range (currently 0.5)
  • Set DM focus offload on
  • Set DM focus offload timer to every 120 sec
  • Editable box, values: 0.0-1.0.
  • AOFCLBGN: How much of calculated focus correction is applied?
  • Radio button turns on/off LBWFS cog control.
  • Color box on right hand side of GUI turns GREEN = on, or RED = off.
  • Set update COG off
  • Set use COG to focus off
  • Set cog gain to mid-range (currently 0.5)
  • Set leak to 0.95
  • Set cog gain to low-range (currently 0.3)
  • Set leak to 0.95
  • Editable box, values: 0.0-1.0.
  • AOLBGAIN: How much of calculated cog correction is applied?
File name of fast wavefront sensor COG
Choose another COG file to load
Load the default COG -or- choose among default COG files to load
Load "zeros.cog" as the COG (flat DM)
(black, left-hand axis)
Plot of calculated LBWFS focus contribution from last 10 LBWFS images
(red, right-hand axis)
Plot of calculated RMS wavefront error (nm) from last 10 LBWFS images
with overlays
Upper Left: image file name
Upper Right: Exposure time
Lower Left: Measured FWHM (") from LBWFS centroids
Lower Left: UTC of image
Lower Right: MedPk = median peak intensity of LBWFS centroids
Lower Right: SNR of each centroid
  • Editable box, units = meters
  • AOFCSALT: Sodium layer height
AOLBFOC: LBWFS focus zernike term
1.e6 * AOFOX: Focus on DM
Set AOFCSALT (sodium altitude preset) = AOFCSWFO (sodium altitude WFO value)
1.e3 * AOFCLBFO: integrated LBWFS focus contribution
Reconstructed wavefront from LBWFS centroids
Reconstructed wavefront from WFS COG file
Launch ATV to display raw LBWFS image
Dismiss this GUI