
Your starlist file contains the list of targets you plan to observe during the night at Keck. The file must conform to certain formatting rules described below in order for the telescope control software to read the file properly. There are additional requirements for Adaptive Optics target lists.

Note: There is NO NEED to double check that you have followed all these rules if you use our recommended AO Guide Star Tool. Still these guidelines can be useful to verify that your starlist meets the requirement.


Formatting Rules for Keck Target Lists

Starlist Pattern

123456789012345 HH MM SS.SS +DD MM SS.SS 2000 keyword1=value1 keyword2=value2

General Rules

Required Fields

Target Name
Columns 1-15 (tabs and spaces allowed)
HH MM SS.SS (begins in column 17 or after, no colons ":", arbitrary number of decimal places)
-DD MM SS.SS (plus sign "+" is implied, but allowed; arbitrary number of decimal places; Note: if the Dec is between 0 and -1, the DD field MUST be -00)
YYYY.YY or APP (arbitrary number of decimal places, <=1950 is FK4, 2000 is FK5, and APP is apparent)

Additional AO Required Fields

AO Mode
TT Ref Magnitude
rmag=mm.m or vmag=mm.m
TT Ref Color
b-v=m.m or b-r=m.m

Optional Fields

The following fields are identified by the form keyword=value.

Important Note: no spaces are allowed around either side of the equals sign, nor within the keywords or values themselves.
Starlist Keywords
Property Keyword Units or Values AO Lists
Comments # none X
RA proper motion pmra=s.ssss seconds-of-time/year X
Dec proper motion arcsec/year X
RA differential tracking rate dra=s.ssss arcsec/hr divided by 15 (positive implies moving east) O
Dec differential tracking rate arcsec/hr O
V and/or R
mag R
B-V and/or B-R
mag R
Rotator mode rotmode=nnn pa, vertical, or stationary I
Rotator position angle degrees I
Telescope azimuth wrap wrap=xxx shortest, south, or north (south is clockwise with az increasing and north is counterclockwise with az decreasing) I
RA telescope offset from target RA raoffset=xx.x arcseconds (positive implies moving east) I
Dec telescope offset from target Dec decoffset=xx.x arcseconds (positive implies moving north) I


Additional AO Notes

Installing Your Starlist

In order for the Observing Assistant to locate your starlist file, you must install it in the “starlist directory” on our network. You can access the starlist directory /kroot/starlists from most of our computers.

Inside the Keck network

The convention we suggest is to store your starlist in a subdirectory which is named using the last name of the observing program's PI (e.g., copernicus). If needed, you can create the directory using the command
mkdir -p /kroot/starlists/piname
and then install your starlist using the command
cp starlist /kroot/starlists/piname
You are free to name your starlist file whatever you want.

Outside the Keck network

Sample Starlist Entries

# basic objects including only required fields
197+17.1        07 29 09.40 +20 54 45.90 2000.0
ring neb        18 53 36.00 +33 02 00.00 2000.0

# star with proper motion
SAO 102961      17 34 24.13 +11 52 28.29 1950.0 pmra=+0.0001 pmdec=-0.007 vmag=9.0

# non-sideral targets
Hale-Bopp 5hr   17 30 6.62  -4 41 58.4   APP dra=0.35  ddec=7.3
Titan   6:00UT          01 05 39.60 +04 00 28.846 APP dra=-0.96 ddec=-4.2

# slitmask with specified rotator position
Cl0024+16-fld 1 00 24 00.00 +16 00 00.00 2000.0 rotdest=123.45 rotmode=pa

# target observed at parallactic angle
Herschel101     12 34 56.78 +01 23 45.67 2000.0 rotdest=0.0 rotmode=vertical

# science target with nearby offset stars
198xq            13 55 45.78  -25 24 03.3  2000.0
198xq_S1         13 55 46.85  -25 23 46.3  2000.0 raoffset=-14.51 decoffset=-16.99   # 14.51" W,  16.99" S to 198xq
198xq_S2         13 55 48.26  -25 22 10.6  2000.0 raoffset=-33.61 decoffset=-112.72  # 33.61" W, 112.72" S to 198xq
198xq_S3         13 55 39.96  -25 21 50.1  2000.0 raoffset=78.83 decoffset=-133.21  # 78.83" E, 133.21" S to 198xq

# AO targets
300 Sag A*      17 42 29.330 -28 59 18.50 1950.0 lgs=1
   0609-0602733 17 45 40.713 -29 00 11.18 2000.0 rmag=14.0 sep=19.3 b-v=0.83 b-r=1.65 S=0.31
   0609-0602749 17 45 42.287 -29 00 36.80 2000.0 rmag=13.5 sep=31.2 b-v=0.68 b-r=1.40 S=0.30
SKY Sag A*      19 00 00.0   -30 00 00.00 1950.0 lgs=0 comment=no laser
M5_core         15 18 33.240 +02 05  1.40 2000.0 rmag=11.5 lgs=1 comment=NGS/LGS?
IRAS 16342      16 37 39.890 -38 20 17.40 2000.0 lgs=1
   0516-0460239 16 37 39.178 -38 20 13.33 2000.0 rmag=14.3 sep=9.3 b-v=1.01 b-r=1.88 S=0.35
313 V1974 Cyg   20 30 31.700 +52 37 51.30 2000.0 lgs=1
   1426-0416488 20 30 28.917 +52 37 12.99 2000.0 rmag=13.7 sep=45.9 b-v=1.65 b-r=2.45 pa=69.0 S=0.27
NIR standard    21 30 31.700 +12 37 51.30 2000.0 vmag=10.1 lgs=0 comment=Ellias