
This page covers the image quality check for the OSIRIS imager and spectrograph, in both NGS and LGS mode.



  1. In svncserver1:3 VNC desktop, select from the background menu NGS-AO Control → Start NGS calibrations
  2. Keck I Calib → Calibration setup. If prompted:
  3. Light Source Control → HEPA Off
  4. Move the fiber to the optosiris named position using the PCU. Launch IDL in a k1obsao@k1aoserver terminal:
    IDL> deploy_sfpu, po="optosiris"
  5. In a napili terminal, wait4ao off
  6. In OOPGUI, configure a DDF to take a "dark":
  7. In OSIRIS Data Execution Client, click Start next dataset to expose
  8. In OSIRIS Online Reduction GUI, specify the "sky" frame we just took,
  9. Move the fiber to the ospec named position using the PCU. Launch IDL in a k1obsao@k1aoserver terminal:
    IDL> deploy_sfpu, po="ospec"
  10. Record a new WFS background:
  11. Keck I Calib → Light Source Control → 1% = ND2
  12. In the Aoacq GUI:
  13. Setup OSIRIS and take an open-loop image. In a napili terminal, Or in OOPGUI, configure the same DDF:
  14. Check the open-loop image quality
  15. Aoacq GUI → Acquire star
  16. MAORI → AO Control
  17. Setup OSIRIS and take a close-loop image. In a napili terminal, Or in OOPGUI, configure the same DDF:
  18. Check the closed-loop image quality
  19. Open AO loops: MAORI → AO Control → LOOP → OPEN

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  1. Open AO loops, if they are closed: MAORI → AO Control → LOOP → OPEN
  2. Light Source Control → 1% = ND2
  3. Start the LBWFS Img Acq GUI, if it has not been started yet
  4. In the Aoacq GUI:
  5. Keck I Calib → Light Source Control → BLOCK
  6. Record a new WFS background:
  7. Keck I Calib → Light Source Control → 1% = ND2
  8. Aoacq GUI → Acquire star
  9. MAORI → AO Control
  10. Setup OSIRIS and take a close-loop image. In a napili terminal, Or in OOPGUI, configure the same DDF:
  11. Check the closed-loop image quality
  12. On the the LBWFS Imag Acq GUI:
  13. Check the Focus ctrl and cog ctrl boxes on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  14. Verify that the fast WFS COG updates on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  15. Take additional OSIRIS images and check the closed-loop image quality
  16. Once you are done, hit HALT on the LBWFS Imag Acq GUI, and uncheck the Focus ctrl and cog ctrl boxes on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  17. Open AO loops: MAORI → AO Control → LOOP → OPEN

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  1. In svncserver1:3 VNC desktop, select from the background menu NGS-AO Control → Start NGS calibrations
  2. Keck I Calib → Calibration setup. If prompted:
  3. Move the fiber to the osimg named position using the PCU. Launch IDL in a k1obsao@k1aoserver terminal:
    IDL> deploy_sfpu, po="osimg"
  4. Light Source Control → HEPA Off
  5. Keck I Calib → Light Source Control → 1% = ND2
  6. In the Aoacq GUI:
  7. Record a new WFS background:
  8. Keck I Calib → Light Source Control → 1% = ND2
  9. Setup OSIRIS and take an open-loop image.
  10. Check the open-loop image quality
  11. Aoacq GUI → Acquire star
  12. MAORI → AO Control
  13. Setup OSIRIS and take a close-loop image. In a napili terminal, Or in OOPGUI, configure the same DDF:
  14. Check the closed-loop image quality
  15. Open AO loops: MAORI → AO Control → LOOP → OPEN

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  1. Open AO loops, if they are closed: MAORI → AO Control → LOOP → OPEN
  2. Light Source Control → 1% = ND2
  3. Start the LBWFS Img Acq GUI, if it has not been started yet
  4. In the Aoacq GUI:
  5. Record a new WFS background:
  6. Keck I Calib → Light Source Control → 1% = ND2
  7. Aoacq GUI → Acquire star
  8. MAORI → AO Control
  9. Setup OSIRIS and take a close-loop image. In a napili terminal, Or in OOPGUI, configure the same DDF:
  10. Check the closed-loop image quality
  11. On the the LBWFS Imag Acq GUI:
  12. Check the Focus ctrl and cog ctrl boxes on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  13. Verify that the fast WFS COG updates on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  14. Take additional OSIRIS images and check the closed-loop image quality
  15. Once you are done, hit HALT on the LBWFS Imag Acq GUI, and uncheck the Focus ctrl and cog ctrl boxes on the Low-Bandwidth Manager GUI
  16. Open AO loops: MAORI → AO Control → LOOP → OPEN

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Put everything in safe mode

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