Estop Info and Procedure

The ADC is provided with specific features designed to ensure safety of personnel and equipment. One of these safety features is the emergency stop (E-stop) interface. If the E-stop is triggered, the procedure below should be followed to reset the E-stop after addressing staff and instrument safety issues.

Sheet 6 of the ADC electronics manual provides details on the ADC Estop. Below is some information pulled from the ADC electronics manual that address the E-stops.

There are two E-stop buttons for the ADC. One of the E-stop buttons is located at the electronics interconnect box on the instrument (See Figure 1). The second E-stop is mounted on the front of the electronics cabinet on the interlock front panel (see Figure 2). These switches are wired in parallel so that tripping either one will cause the instrument to stop. Both are colored red. In addition, if the observatory E-Stop is actuated, the ADC E-stop relay will pull. Thus, the ADC E-stop is triggered in three ways: manually pressing the electronics E-stop button, manually pressing the instrument E-stop button, and by triggering observatory E-stop.

Figure 1: ADC electronics rack.

Figure 2: ADC E-stop located on the instrument.
Click on images to enlarge them.

Reset procedure

If the ADC E-stop is triggered by either one of the ADC E-stop push buttons or the observatory E-stop, then follow this procedure to reset the E-stop.
  • Whatever safety issue that triggered the E-stop is addressed.
  • Enter the HIRES electronics vault.
  • Locate the ADC electronics (click to enlarge image):

    ADC electronics rack.
  • Manually press the Reset button which is located on the front panel of the electronics box. This button is labeled "Reset" and colored green.
  • In software, Re-init the ADC. This may be done through use of the DCS gui or by using the engineering ADC gui.
  • If it does not init, try the ADC Software Checkout Procedure
  • Contact the SA on duty if all else fails.
Last modified: 02/02/2008 04:17
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