Observing at WMKO




Dear Observer,

Congratulations on having been awarded Keck time for your project. All of us at the Observatory will do our best to make your observing as scientifically productive as possible. We urge you to consult the W. M. Keck Observatory web site, Science and Observing section; for general information needed to prepare for your upcoming visit. We also list some important links below. Please contact us if you cannot find the information you are looking for. Best wishes for a productive observing run.

Randy Campbell
Observing Support Manager


Fully functional remote observing rooms at Headquarters allow observing from Waimea. Communication between these rooms and the telescope control rooms on the summit is maintained by high quality video teleconferencing equipment. This mode of observing is generally recognized as the most effective. All observing is now done remotely, not only because of increased mental acuity at 2,700 feet, but also because a wider range of support is available to observers in Waimea. Observing from the summit is no longer supported.

This page last updated 29-Jan-2019, gm