NIRSPEC Reliability Improvement 
Progress report:  8  November  2004


This report (the first one in several months) marks the end of project status for our efforts to increase NIRSPEC reliability.    Several significant events have occurred within this reporting period.    The project was on hiatus during much of June and July while the instrument was warmed up to work on a failed filter wheel.    After being cooled down and returned to service, the new keyword and rotator server codes were released in late August.    During this time period, only two tasks remained officially part of the project.

Release of the new code has encountered difficulties that have resulted in an increase in time lost on sky.    It is hoped that these problems are now understood,  solutions are in place and we will witness a return to improved reliability.

Upgrading the host.

The NIRSPEC host computer represents a critical  vulnerability since no spares exist.    During the period covered by this report,  no progress was made on this task due to the diversion of resources to more urgent tasks.   Now that the project has ended, it is unlikely this goal will be accomplished unless resources can be diverted from other areas.

Test and release new server codes.

On August 22, the new server codes were released.    Testing to that point indicated that all the issues described in the last report had been resolved.    The code was used successfully by us on prior Chaffee science nights.

Proceeding From Here:

During the time covered by this report,  time lost on sky increased.     As complications associated with the new server codes are understood and fixed we hope and expect time lost to drop again.     In this respect, we anticipate that this penultimate report will be followed by a final wrapup report some months in the future once sufficient statistics have accumulated to properly judge the success of this project.