NIRSPEC Reliability Improvement 
Progress report:  5  July  2004


The last report suggested three options with regard to how to proceed given the feeling that our primary goal (greatly reducing the frequency of server crashes) was within reach.     It was decided to continue the project at a reduced effort level, and to simplify the project plan to just two remaining tasks.      Since events and schedules have conspired to make an early June full meeting and report impractical, a short status report is presented here in the interim.

Early in June, NIRSPEC suffered a failure of one of its filter wheels.    In the short term this actually benefitted the project because it allowed us to have most of the night of June 11 for code testing.      Subsequently though, warming of the instrument was begun in preparation for repairs.   The project is largely on hiatus now as result.

Upgrading the host.

Since no spares exist for the host computer this represents a critical vulnerability and the project was granted permission to continue with our efforts to upgrade the host.   Unfortunately though, in this reporting period, other more urgent tasks have diverted resources and there is no progress to report.

Test and release new server codes.

Proceeding From Here:

As mentioned above,   it is possible that an offset exists between requested and obtained PA.    A number of possible explanations exist and further testing is necessary prior to release: