NIRSPEC Reliability Improvement 
Progress report: 12 Nov 2003


 The tasks comprising this project fall into one of three phases.    The goals are respectively,  speeding recovery from server crashes,  determining the cause(s) of these crashes,  and  reducing their frequency.    The numbers preceeding the task summaries below reflect this division.

Ia.  Speeding recovery from server crashes:

This task is proceeding well and subtasks are being completed in a timely fashion.   Three out of the four subtasks have been completed and work has started on the fourth.     Barring significant redirections of time spent by AH and JL, we hope to be finished this last item by December.

IIa.  Jumpering part of the communications chain:

By eliminating about half the communications chain we hope to determine if that part of the chain includes a hardware limitation.     The chain will be shortened by placing a clone of waimea on right nas.    This effort is proceeding well but the schedule is very tight.    We were assigned an engineering night about three weeks earlier than requested, forcing us to try to be ready for on-sky testing that much sooner.

IIb.  Correlation research:

There is some suspicion that server crashes may correlate with one or more "variables" most of which involve how the instrument is being used.

IIc.  Crash free periods:

Historically, there have been some periods where server crashes have been less frequent.   This raises the question of what (if anything) was done to create and end these periods.

IId.  Characterize communications chain:

 Presently, although we suspect the communications chain may be overburdened we do not know what its tolerances and capabilities are.

IIIa.  Reduce communications traffic:

Based on the suspicion that the comm's chain is overburdened we have already planned this phase III task.

Issues and Concerns:

Grant  M.  Hill <>