SIMPLE  =                    T / Tape is in Fits format                         
BITPIX  =                   32 / Bits per pixel                                 
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of axes                                 
NAXIS1  =                 1024 / Number of pixels in axis 1                     
NAXIS2  =                 1024 / Number of pixels in axis 2                     
BSCALE  =              1.00000 / Scaling factor                                 
BZERO   =              0.00000 / Scaling zero-point                             
OUTDIR  = '/sdata903/nirc2eng/2009oct01/         ' / Original directory         
ROOTNAME= 'n                 ' / File prefix                                    
FRAMENO =                   17 / Frame number                                   
FILENAME= 'n0017.fits        ' / Original File name                             
TELESCOP= 'Keck II           ' / Telescope                                      
OBSERVER= 'Djorgovski        ' / Observer                                       
OBJECT  = 'mars 14:30        ' / Object name                                    
COMMENT = '                  ' / Comment                                        
ITIME   =                0.181 / Integration time per coadd                     
EXPSTART= '14:31:28.157      ' / Exposure start time (UT)                       
EXPSTOP = '14:31:29.183      ' / Exposure stop time (UT)                        
COADDS  =                    1 / Number of coadds                               
SAMPMODE=                    2 / 1=Single; 2=CDS; 3=MCDS                        
DETBIAS =                  450 / Detector bias setting (0-4096)                 
MULTISAM=                   16 / Number of multiple reads                       
Q1OFFSET=                 3172 / Aladdin Quadrant 1 preamp offset               
Q2OFFSET=                 3183 / Aladdin Quadrant 2 preamp offset               
Q3OFFSET=                 3180 / Aladdin Quadrant 3 preamp offset               
Q4OFFSET=                 3183 / Aladdin Quadrant 4 preamp offset               
GAIN    =                    4 / Detector Gain Setting                          
PREOFF  =                  400 / Preamp Offset Voltage                          
SAMPRATE=                  200 / Pixel rate in kps                              
IMAGETYP= 'data              ' /                                                
SLITMM  =              1.22911 /                                                
SLITNAME= 'none              ' /                                                
SLITTILT=              0.00000 /                                                
CAMDIST =            260.60501 / camera slider's distance from                  
CAMNAME = 'narrow            ' / camera slider's named position                 
CAMRAW  =               260605 / camera slider's encoder positi                 
CENWAVE =              2.12450 / central wavelength of passband                 
MINWAVE =              1.94900 / minimum wavelength of passband                 
MAXWAVE =              2.30000 / maximum wavelength of passband                 
EFFWAVE =              2.12450 / effective wavelength of passba                 
FWIANGL =            129.20041 / inner filter wheel's angular p                 
FWINAME = 'Kp                ' / inner filter wheel's named pos                 
FWINUM  =                    7 /                                                
FWIRAW  =               135889 / inner filter wheel's encoder p                 
FWOANGL =            329.19842 / outer filter wheel's angular p                 
FWONAME = 'clear             ' / outer filter wheel's named pos                 
FWONUM  =                   17 /                                                
FWORAW  =               191444 / outer filter wheel's encoder p                 
FILTER  = 'Kp + clear        ' / composite filter name (both wh                 
GRSDIST =            132.04849 / grism slider's distance from h                 
GRSNAME = 'clear             ' / grism slider's named position                  
GRSRAW  =               264097 / grism slider's encoder positio                 
PMSANGL =            296.69397 / pupil wheel's angular position                 
PMSNAME = 'largehex          ' / pupil wheel's named position                   
PMSRAW  =               182415 / pupil wheel's encoder position                 
PMRANGL =            103.31549 / pupil drive's angular position                 
PSIDIST =              4.51793 / Inner preslit's distance from                  
PSINAME = 'mfov_center       ' / Inner preslit's named position                 
PSIRAW  =                34517 / Inner preslit's encoder positi                 
PSODIST =              4.46963 / Outer preslit's distance from                  
PSONAME = 'nfov_center       ' / Outer preslit's named position                 
PSORAW  =                34148 / Outer preslit's encoder positi                 
SHRDIST =              0.03600 / Shutter's distance from home (                 
SHRNAME = 'open              ' / Shutter's named position                       
SHRRAW  =                   72 / shutter's encoder position                     
SLSDIST =            254.36150 / slit slide's distance from hom                 
SLSNAME = 'clear             ' / slit slide's named position                    
SLSRAW  =               508723 / slit slide's encoder position                  
SLMDIST =            179.93750 / slit mask's distance from home                 
SLMNAME = 'narrow_clear      ' / slit mask's named position                     
SLMRAW  =               359875 / slit mask's encoder position                   
AODELAY =                    0 / Delay after AO locks                           
UTC     = '14:31:28.40       ' / coordinated universal time (h)                 
AIRMASS =              1.27263 / air mass (1.27)                                
AXESTAT = 'tracking          ' / axes control status                            
AZ      =             78.63586 / telescope azimuth (78.64 deg)                  
CALOCAL =              0.01439 / collimation azimuth local (51.                 
CELOCAL =             -0.01524 / collimation elevation local (-                 
CURRINST= 'NIRC2             ' / current instrument                             
DATE-OBS= '2009-10-01        ' / universal date of observation                  
DCSSTAT = 'standby           ' / drive and control status                       
DEC     =             22.42094 / telescope declination (+22:25:                 
DECOFF  =              0.00000 / declination offset (0.0 arcsec                 
DOMEPOSN=             78.61500 / dome azimuth (78.61 deg)                       
DOMESTAT= 'tracking          ' / dome status                                    
EL      =             51.75059 / telescope elevation (51.75 deg                 
EQUINOX =           2000.00000 / telescope equinox (2000.0)                     
FOCALSTN= 'lnas (left nasmyth)' / focal station                                 
GUIDWAVE= '0.630             ' / guidestar wavelength (microns)                 
HA      =            -41.10703 / telescope hour angle (+21:15:3                 
INSTANGL=              0.70000 / porg to instrument angle (0.7                  
INSTFLIP= 'no                ' / porg to instrument y flip                      
LST     = '04:51:24.58       ' / local apparent sidereal time (                 
MJD-OBS =          55105.60519 / modified julian date of observ                 
PARANG  =            -86.03442 / parallactic angle astrometric                  
PARANTEL=            -86.02808 / parallactic angle telescope (-                 
DRA     =              0.00000 / diff ra rate (0.000000 seconds                 
DDEC    =              0.00000 / diff decl rate (0.0000000 arcs                 
DTRACK  = 'disabled          ' / differential tracking enabled                  
RA      =            113.81079 / telescope right ascension (07:                 
RAOFF   =              0.00000 / right ascension offset (0.0 ar                 
ROTCALAN=              0.00000 / rotator calibration angle (0.0                 
ROTMODE = 'position angle    ' / rotator tracking mode                          
ROTPDEST=           -221.52141 / rotator physical destination (                 
ROTPPOSN=           -221.53301 / rotator physical position (-22                 
ROTDEST =              0.70000 / rotator user destination (0.70                 
ROTPOSN =              0.70000 / rotator user position (0.70 de                 
ROTREFAN=              0.00000 / rotator reference angle (0.00                  
SECFOCUS=              0.00085 / secondary mirror focus raw (0.                 
SECTHETX= '-98.8             ' / secondary mirror thetax (arcse                 
SECTHETY= '-240.9            ' / secondary mirror thetay (arcse                 
TARGNAME= 'mars 14:30        ' / target name                                    
TARGWAVE= '2.124             ' / target wavelength (microns)                    
TELESCOP= 'Keck II           ' / telescope name                                 
TELFOCUS=              0.00106 / telescope focus compensated (1                 
TUBETEMP=              0.81410 / tube temperature (0.81 degC)                   
AOOPSMOD= '0                 ' / AO General Ops Mode FITS                       
AODMSTAT= 'open              ' / AO deformable mirror loop stat                 
AODTSTAT= 'open              ' / AO downlink tip/tilt loop stat                 
AOTTMODE= 'closed            ' / AO tip/tilt offloading mode                    
AOAOAMED= '41362             ' / AO WFC AOA camera median light                 
AOLBFWHM= '2.163931          ' / AO LBWFS avg fwhm                              
WSFRRT  = '1400              ' / Frame rate for WFS cam (Hz)                    
DMGAIN  = '0.500             ' / Set DM loop gain                               
DMMRFN  = '       ' / Name of DM reconstructor file                  
DTGAIN  = '0.300             ' / Set TT loop gain                               
AOWFC0  = '-1.989000         ' / AO WFS focus stage FSM coeffic                 
AOFCNGFO= '-0.001983         ' / AO FC NGS Focus Calc Value (m)                 
AOFCLGFO= '0.198827          ' / AO FC LGS pregain focus calc v                 
AOFCLBFO= '0.000000          ' / AO FC LBWFS pregain focus calc                 
AOFCNGCT= 'ON                ' / AO FC NGS control                              
AOFCLGCT= 'OFF               ' / AO FC LGS control                              
AOFCLBCT= 'OFF               ' / AO FC LBWFS control                            
AOFCSALT= '88000             ' / AO FC sodium alt preset (m)                    
AOFOMODE= 'closed            ' / AO focus offloading mode                       
AOTSDAR = 'false             ' / AO TSS_USE_DAR?                                
AODRDTEN= '0.0               ' / AO DAR DTT CTRLOFF ENABLE                      
AODRENA = '1.0               ' / AO DAR_ENABLE/DISABLE                          
AOTSZ   = '38.613            ' / AO tip/tilt sensor stage Z pos                 
AOTSX   = '-1.371            ' / AO tip/tilt sensor stage X pos                 
AOTSY   = '4.046             ' / AO tip/tilt sensor stage Y pos                 
OBTSNAME= 'noName            ' / Named position control for TSS                 
OBTSX   = '-3.85             ' / User value of TSS x axis (mm)                  
OBTSY   = '31.36             ' / User value of TSS y axis (mm)                  
OBTSZ   = '38.61             ' / User value of TSS z axis (mm)                  
AOLPMOVE= 'false             ' / AO LSP MOVE ENABLE                             
LGRMSWF = '300.0             ' / LGSAO RMS WF Residual                          
LSAMPPWR= '0.000000          ' / Amp Power (watts)                              
LSPROP  = 'no                ' / Laser Propagating                              
AOFMX   = '-0.88             ' / AO field steering mirrors X po                 
AOFMY   = '3.32              ' / AO field steering mirrors Y po                 
OBFMXIM = '3.320             ' / Image plane x motion for FSM (                 
OBFMYIM = '-0.880            ' / Image plane y motion for FSM (                 
OBFMXPU = '0.00              ' / Pupil plane x motion for FSM (                 
OBFMYPU = '0.00              ' / Pupil plane y motion for FSM (                 
OBFMDREN= '0.000000          ' / FSM Coordinated move use dar o                 
OBFSNAME= '2.4               ' / Named position control for FSS                 
OBIMNAME= 'out               ' / Named position control for ISM                 
OBLBNAME= 'noName            ' / Named position control for LBS                 
OBAMNAME= 'mirror            ' / Named position control for AFM                 
OBRT    = '-110.7635         ' / User value of ROT (deg)                        
OBSDNAME= 'beamSplitter      ' / Named position control for SOD                 
OBSFX   = '-119.00           ' / User value of SFP x axis (mm)                  
OBSFY   = '-0.00             ' / User value of SFP y axis (mm)                  
OBSFZ   = '0.00              ' / User value of SFP z axis (mm)                  
OBSI    = '-1.50             ' / User value of SFD (mm)                         
OBSFNAME= 'telescope         ' / Named position control for SFP                 
OBSNNAME= 'block             ' / Named position control for SND                 
OBWCNAME= '2.4               ' / Named position control for WCS                 
OBWFSTST= 'INPOS             ' / State of FCS as string                         
OBWLNAME= '2.4               ' / Named position control for WLS                 
OBWPNAME= 'ngs               ' / Named position control for WPS                 
OBWNNAME= 'open              ' / Named position control for WND                 
OBSWSTA = 'off               ' / White light power status                       
OBSWNAME= 'BLOCK             ' / Named position control for SFW                 
OBWF    = '-1.988            ' / User value of FCS (mm)                         
WSSMPRG = '2                 ' / WFS_SciMeas program (0)                        
WSSMREP = '216               ' / WFS SciMeas repetitions (incre                 
WSSMGN  = '1                 ' / WFS gain (0)                                   
WSCNORFN= '24NIRC2-N2x2.cog  ' / Name of origin vec file                        
WCDTSTAT= 'OPEN              ' / Status of down tt loop                         
WCDMSTAT= 'OPEN              ' / Status of DM loop                              
WCUTSTAT= 'OPEN              ' / Status of utt loop                             
DTCLP   = 'CLOSE             ' / OPEN/CLOSE TT CLMP ctrl loop                   
UTCLP   = 'OPEN              ' / OPEN/CLOSE TT CLMP ctrl loop                   
UTGAIN  = '0.000             ' / Set TT loop gain