The procedure to reboot the NIRC2 host waikoko is a coordinated effort between Computer Support staff and the Istrument Scientist. The following lines describe the reboot procedure step by step. The steps peformed by the Instrument Scientist are tagged as [IS] and the steps to be performed by the Computer Support staff are tagged as [CS].
cp –p /tmp/s.out /net/filer2/vol/home/nirc2eng/snaptemps/snaptemps.YYYY-MM-DD
cdata ls –altr show –terse –s alad outdir
nirc2 stop daemons
telnet k2consoles 2008hit return and confirm waikoko console login: prompt.
init 1 [wait for it to do its thing; you will have to log back in] sync; sync ; reboot [make sure you type this exactly (execute on one line)!]
nirc2 start daemonsAnswer ‘y’ to questions. It is normal for it to retry 3x for transputer comms.
ct [verify 3 alad_server_bin tasks are running] s coadds [to test] nirc2 start pmr
snaptemps cp –p /tmp/s.out /net/filer2/vol/home/nirc2eng/snaptemps/snaptemps.YYYY-MM-DD-postboot
nirc2 start quicklook nirc2 start statusd
tint 1 coadd 1 shutter close goiYou should see an image appear in the quicklook display. The first image typically shows -32,000 counts. Take another image. The image should have ∼ -100 → 100 counts.