
Offset the telescope a given number of arcsec in the
coordinate system of the DEIMOS detector. The offset is
relative to the current coordinaets by default; the optional
flag "-abs" causes the move to be made relative to the base
coordinates; i.e., an absolute move.


mxy [-abs] x y


-abs = flag specifying that the move should be relative to
BASE position, rather than current position
x = offset in the direction parallel with CCD rows [arcsec]
y = offset in the direction parallel with CCD columns [arcsec]

Exit values

0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments


1) Move telecope 10 arcsec along rows and -20 arcsec along

columns relative to the CURRENT position

mxy 10 -20
Note that since this is a *telescope* move, the target will
"move" in the OPPOSITE directions!

2) Move telecope 10 arcsec along rows and -20 arcsec along

columns relative to the BASE position

mxy -abs 10 -20