
Take one or more spectra of the cd and zn lamps using the
trapdoor as a shutter. The code is tuned to time exposures
so that the lamp lines are visible in an exposure time
that is hardcoded. An update to the script should take
the exptime as a variable.


cal_trap_cd_zn_blue [-nowait] [-dark] [nexp]


-nowait = return before readout of last image in loop
nexp = number of exposure to take (default=1)


Text feeback is sent to the terminal.

Exit values

0 = normal completion
1 = wrong number of arguments
2 = error during exposure


1) Take a single LRIS blue exposure


2) Take 10 LRIS blue exposures

cal_trap_cd_zn_blue 10

3) Take 10 LRIS blue exposures, and exit when the final one

begins to readout

cal_trap_cd_zn_blue -nowait 10