
The Program Identification GUI (PIG) allows observers on split nights to easily indicate which observing program is currently being executed. This information permits the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) to tag the images with the appropriate observing program and observer list, and ensures that the data files are assigned the correct proprietary period.

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By clicking the button on the appropriate observing program, the observer changes both the observer list (stored in the OBSERVER keyword) and the data directory (generally stored in the OUTDIR keyword).

The PIG also allows you to select an approved target of opportunity (ToO) program. These programs are normally hidden under the "Show ToO Programs" button at the bottom left. Click on it, and the PIG is expanded to display a list of approved ToO programs. Click on the program's ID to select. Make sure to click back to your scheduled progam on top after the ToO interrupt is over! For details, see the full ToO policies and procedures.

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Program Button

For each observing program scheduled to share the night on the current instrument, the program information buttons display: The currently active program is indicated in green. To switch programs, click the progam button for the appropriate program.

Observer List

The observer list corresponding to each program is shown at right. To change the observer list, type the names into the entry both and click on the "Set" button.

Current data

At the bottom, the PIG displays: