The module consists of a pair of large-diameter prisms which cover
the entire field of view acccessible to LRIS. The separation of
these prisms is varied as a function of telescope elevation to
produce refraction which is almost perfectly opposite to the
refraction induced by the Earth's atmosphere, thus yielding a net
zero differentual refraction for all elevations from zenith to 2
The following figure shows the physical appearance of the module
(without its cladding).
The positioning of the two prisms is controlled by a single motor
which moves the prisms in opposite directions. When the prisms
are at their minimum separation ("nulled position") they induce
nearly zero refraction. At their maximum separation they produce
enough refraction to correct well to almost 30°
The Cass ADC prisms do not rotate; they are fixed and LRIS rotates
relative to them. This means that as the LRIS physical drive
angle changes (for example, to maintain a constant sky position
angle for LRIS) the observer will be looking through a different
part of the ADC prisms.