Focal-station Pictures

This section contains a picture for each focal-station in regular use (not PCS for some reason). The main part of the picture shows the focal plane, the locations of the various detectors, their pixel coordinate systems, and the definitions (at the time of writing) of the various pointing origins. The lower part of the picture gives details of the guider detector(s), including a version of See Telescope coordinate systems looking towards sky (excludes Nasmyth foci) specific to the focal-station and rotated so that it is easy to use when looking at the guider display. Along the right-hand side of the picture are various notes on plate scales, rotator limits, dates at which measurements were taken etc.

An AO picture will be added in a future release of this document. AO is mounted at Left Nasmyth, so See Telescope coordinate systems looking towards sky (Left Nasmyth focus) applies.

f/25 IR Frame (KI)

f/15 Cass (KII), LRIS


f/15 RBC2 (KI), f/15 or f/40 LBC2 (KII), SSC

f/40 RBC2 (KII) Visitor Instrument Port

f/15 LNAS AO