Observing at WMKO - Policies

Computing Policy


Access to Computers:

To handle data associated with your observing, log into the “instrument-specific account” allocated to you on the observing schedule, as indicated in the column headed “Instruments”. The account will be available three days prior to your run and for seven days after your departure, unless otherwise arranged. This account can also be used for handling e-mail. At Waimea, workstations and PCs are available in the KI and KII Remote Operations Rooms, the Pre and Post Observers office (located in the Kohala wing), and the VSQ Commons. Yellow laptop connections are also available in these locations as well as in the VSQ rooms. Wireless is available throughout the Observatory, including the VSQ; look for the “Guest” wireless network, use DHCP to automatically generate an IP address, and login as “visitor”. You can also set up to print to Keck Printers via the intranet. See your SA for access information. You will be able to backup your data to your laptop's hard drive, or send back to your home computer via FTP or scp.


This page last updated 28-Jan-2015, sed