Observing at WMKO - Policies
Instrument & Telescope Availability, Dome Opening

Instrument Availability:

WMKO will endeavor to make the instrument available to observers for calibrations that do not require moving the telescope by 2:00 pm HST on business days and 4:00 pm HST on weekends and holidays. On days with heavy summit workloads due to extensive reconfiguration or emergency repair work, it may not be possible to meet these goals. In those cases, we will coordinate closely with observers to make the instrument available as soon as possible. Before starting the instrument control software, observers should always verify that the instrument has been released for their used by checking the Summit Instrument Activities Schedule.

Telescope Availability:

WMKO will endeavor to make the telescope available to observers for taking dome flats or other calibrations that require moving the telescope or darkening the dome by 5:00 pm HST on all days. Again, if heavy summit workloads preclude meeting this goals, we will coordinate closely with observers to make the telescope available as soon as possible.

Dome Opening:

The domes may not be open at any time while the sun is above the Mauna Kea horizon. Thus, the Observing Assistants are not permitted to begin opening the dome until after sunset, and they must have finished closing the dome before sunrise.

Exception is made for AO observing as follows:

Other exceptions to this policy are permitted only by specific approval in advance from the Observatory Director or the Observing Support Manager.

This page last updated 2-Feb-2015, ccj