Observing at WMKO

Applying for Keck Telescope Time

Each user community, University of California, Caltech, NASA, University of Hawaii, Subaru, Yale, Swinburne, Notre Dame, NOIRLab, and Northwestern has its own internal requirements regarding deadlines for submittal of proposals and information required to apply for time on the Keck telescopes. However, regardless of the institution to which the user applies, (s)he should complete the WMKO Proposal Cover Sheet Form and submit it, along with the individual institution request forms, to the appropriate TAC. This form is used, once a given proposal has been allotted time by its TAC, to concatenate the approved time assignments into the master schedule. Observers will be notified by the appropriate TAC of the fate of their proposal and by WMKO for telescope time assignments if the proposal was accepted. Telescope schedules will be posted on the W.M. Keck Observatory web pages approximately two months before the beginning of the semester.

Participating Institutions:


          Swinburne University, Yale and Northwestern University access time on the Keck Telescopes through cooperative agreements with CIT.

Past Participating Institutions:


Observing Considerations:

The proposal coversheet form is available through the Keck Observer Login Page.  All observers applying for Keck observing time should fill out this form. Submit the form with your proposal to your institution if required. Please go to the Keck Observer Login Page to login to your Keck home page or to create an account if you do not yet have one. If you have forgotten your login name and password, help is available at the login page. From your Keck homepage you can view your upcoming telescope runs, view your previous semesters' coversheets, create or modify coversheets for the upcoming semester, view and modify your contact information and profile.

This page last updated 02 August 2024 ccj  