NIRES Native Keywords

AIRMASS (native-keyword)

air mass

Type = double

AXESTAT (native-keyword)

axes control status

Type = string

AZ (native-keyword)

telescope azimuth

Type = double

degrees BADPIX (native-keyword)

Bad pixel map file name

Type = string

BITPIX (native-keyword)

number of bits per data pixel

Type = integer

CALOCAL (native-keyword)

collimation azimuth local

Type = double

CD1_1 (native-keyword)

Degrees of RA per pixel in x

Type = double

CD1_2 (native-keyword)

degrees of RA per pixel in y

Type = double

CD2_1 (native-keyword)

Degrees of DEC per pixel in x

Type = double

CD2_2 (native-keyword)

Degrees of DEC per pixel in y

Type = double

CELOCAL (native-keyword)

collimation elevation local

Type = double

CHNAME1 (native-keyword)

Location where temp is controlled by channel A

Type = string

CHNAME10 (native-keyword)

Ch D4 location name

Type = string

CHNAME2 (native-keyword)

Location where temp is controlled by channel B

Type = string

CHNAME3 (native-keyword)

Ch C1 location name

Type = string

CHNAME4 (native-keyword)

Ch C2 location name

Type = string

CHNAME5 (native-keyword)

Ch C3 location name

Type = string

CHNAME6 (native-keyword)

Ch C4 location name

Type = string

CHNAME7 (native-keyword)

Ch D1 location name

Type = string

CHNAME8 (native-keyword)

Ch D2 location name

Type = string

CHNAME9 (native-keyword)

Ch D3 location name

Type = string

COADDS (native-keyword)

Number of coadded frames

Type = integer

CRPIX1 (native-keyword)

X coordinate of center pixel

Type = double

CRPIX2 (native-keyword)

Y coordinate of center pixel

Type = double

CRVAL1 (native-keyword)

RA of center pixel (degrees)

Type = double

degrees CRVAL2 (native-keyword)

DEC of center pixel (degrees)

Type = double

degrees CTYPE1 (native-keyword)

Coordinate type of WCS axis 1

Type = string

CTYPE2 (native-keyword)

Coordinate type of WCS axis 2

Type = string

CURRINST (native-keyword)

current instrument

Type = string

DATAFILE (native-keyword)

image saved data file name

Type = string

DATE-OBS (native-keyword)

universal date of observation

Type = date

DCSSTAT (native-keyword)

drive and control status

Type = string

DCSVERS (native-keyword)

drive and control version

Type = string

DEC (native-keyword)

telescope declination

Type = double

degrees DISPNAME (native-keyword)

FITS file name for spec display

Type = string

DOMEPOSN (native-keyword)

dome azimuth

Type = double

degrees DOMESTAT (native-keyword)

dome status

Type = string

DPATCSYS (native-keyword)

Dither pattern coordinate system

Type = string

DPATIPOS (native-keyword)

Index of dataset positions

Type = integer

DPATIREP (native-keyword)

Index of repeats

Type = integer

DPATMODE (native-keyword)

Dither pattern mode of movement

Type = string

DPATNAME (native-keyword)

Dataset pattern name

Type = string

DPATNPOS (native-keyword)

Number of positions in the dither pattern

Type = integer

DPATSTPX (native-keyword)

Dither pattern step size in X

Type = double

DPATSTPY (native-keyword)

Dither pattern step size in Y

Type = double

DTHCOORD (native-keyword)

dither pattern coordinates

Type = string

DWRTMP10 (native-keyword)

Ch D4 temperature (K)

Type = double

DWRTMP3 (native-keyword)

Ch C1 temperature (K)

Type = double

DWRTMP4 (native-keyword)

Ch C2 temperature (K)

Type = double

DWRTMP5 (native-keyword)

Ch C3 temperature (K)

Type = double

DWRTMP6 (native-keyword)

Ch C4 temperature (K)

Type = double

DWRTMP7 (native-keyword)

Ch D1 temperature (K)

Type = double

DWRTMP8 (native-keyword)

Ch D2 temperature (K)

Type = double

DWRTMP9 (native-keyword)

Ch D3 temperature (K)

Type = double

EL (native-keyword)

telescope elevation

Type = double

degrees EQUINOX (native-keyword)

telescope equinox

Type = double

EXTEND (native-keyword)

FITS dataset may contain extensions

Type = string

boolean FCA (native-keyword)

Flexure model amplitude parameter

Type = double

FCANAMOR (native-keyword)

Flexure model anamorphic factor

Type = double

FCK (native-keyword)

Flexure model k parameter

Type = double

FCPA_EL (native-keyword)

Position angle and elevation in degrees

Type = string

FCPH (native-keyword)

Flexure model phase in degrees

Type = double

FCSACTIV (native-keyword)

servo/online/enable flag

Type = integer

FCSLOC1 (native-keyword)

Ch 1 location

Type = double

FCSLOC2 (native-keyword)

Ch 2 location

Type = double

FCSMECH (native-keyword)

Mechanism name

Type = string

FCSON (native-keyword)

Enable model-based flexure compensation

Type = integer

FCSVOLT1 (native-keyword)

Ch 1 voltage

Type = double

FCSVOLT2 (native-keyword)

Ch 2 voltage

Type = double

FCTHETXY (native-keyword)

Absolute rotation angles (microradians)

Type = string

FOCALSTN (native-keyword)

focal station

Type = string

FRAMENUM (native-keyword)

Image frame number

Type = integer

GAIN (native-keyword)

Detector gain, e/DN

Type = double

e/DN HA (native-keyword)

telescope hour angle

Type = double

INSTANGL (native-keyword)

porg to instrument angle

Type = double

INSTFLIP (native-keyword)

porg to instrumentt y flip

Type = string

INSTR (native-keyword)

Instrument name (spec or imag)

Type = string

INSTRUME (native-keyword)

Instrument name

Type = string

ITIME (native-keyword)

Integration time between reads

Type = double

seconds LINCOEFF (native-keyword)

linear coefficient file

Type = string

LST (native-keyword)

local apparent sidereal time

Type = time

LTM1_1 (native-keyword)

CCD to image pixel scale in X

Type = double

LTM2_2 (native-keyword)

CCD to image pixel scale in Y

Type = double

MJD-OBS (native-keyword)

modified julian date of observation

Type = double

NAXIS (native-keyword)

number of data axes

Type = integer

NAXIS1 (native-keyword)

length of data axis 1

Type = integer

NAXIS2 (native-keyword)

lengthh of data axis 2

Type = integer

NOISEFIL (native-keyword)

Read noise frame file name

Type = string

NUMFS (native-keyword)

Number of Fowler pairs

Type = integer

NUMREADS (native-keyword)

Number of reads per coadd

Type = integer

NUMUTRS (native-keyword)


Type = integer

OBJECT (native-keyword)

Object name

Type = string

OBSERVER (native-keyword)

Observer name(s)

Type = string

OBSTYPE (native-keyword)

Observation type

Type = string

OUTDIR (native-keyword)

Original output directory

Type = string

OUTPUT1 (native-keyword)

Ch A heater output percentage

Type = double

OUTPUT2 (native-keyword)

Ch B heater output percentage

Type = double

PA (native-keyword)

position angle of current target

Type = double

PARANG (native-keyword)

parallactic angle astrometric

Type = double

degrees PARANTEL (native-keyword)

parallactic angle telescope

Type = double

degrees PATTERN (native-keyword)

Dither pattern

Type = string

PCIFILE (native-keyword)

PCI .lod file name

Type = string

PMFM (native-keyword)


Type = double

PONAME (native-keyword)

pointing origin name

Type = string

PONAME1 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 1

Type = string

PONAME2 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 2

Type = string

PONAME3 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 3

Type = string

PONAME4 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 4

Type = string

PONAME5 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 5

Type = string

PONAME6 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 6

Type = string

PONAME7 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 7

Type = string

PONAME8 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 8

Type = string

PONAME9 (native-keyword)

pointing origin name 9

Type = string

POXOFF (native-keyword)

pointing origin x offset

Type = double

POXPOS (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition

Type = double

POXPOS1 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 1

Type = double

POXPOS2 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 2

Type = double

POXPOS3 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 3

Type = double

POXPOS4 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 4

Type = double

POXPOS5 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 5

Type = double

POXPOS6 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 6

Type = double

POXPOS7 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 7

Type = double

POXPOS8 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 8

Type = double

POXPOS9 (native-keyword)

pointing origin xposition 9

Type = double

POYOFF (native-keyword)

pointing origin y offset

Type = double

POYPOS (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition

Type = double

POYPOS1 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 1

Type = double

POYPOS2 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 2

Type = double

POYPOS3 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 3

Type = double

POYPOS4 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 4

Type = double

POYPOS5 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 5

Type = double

POYPOS6 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 6

Type = double

POYPOS7 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 7

Type = double

POYPOS8 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 8

Type = double

POYPOS9 (native-keyword)

pointing origin yposition 9

Type = double

PROGNAME (native-keyword)

Program ID to associate FITS files with

Type = string

PSCALE (native-keyword)

Pixel scale for science camera

Type = double

RA (native-keyword)

telescope right ascension

Type = double

degrees RADECSYS (native-keyword)

Coordinate system

Type = string

RDITIME (native-keyword)

Time between start of successive reads

Type = double

REGTMP1 (native-keyword)

Temperature at channel A

Type = double

REGTMP2 (native-keyword)

Temperature at channel B

Type = double

ROTCALAN (native-keyword)

rotator calibration angle

Type = double

ROTDEST (native-keyword)

rotator user destination

Type = double

ROTMODE (native-keyword)

rotator tracking mode

Type = string

ROTPDEST (native-keyword)

rotator physical destination

Type = double

ROTPOSN (native-keyword)

rotator user position

Type = double

ROTPPOSN (native-keyword)

rotator physical position

Type = double

ROTREFAN (native-keyword)

rotator reference angle

Type = double

SAMPMODE (native-keyword)

Sampling mode

Type = integer

SATURATE (native-keyword)

Detector saturation DN level

Type = integer

SECFOCUS (native-keyword)

secondary mirror focus raw

Type = double

TARGDEC (native-keyword)

target declination

Type = double

TARGEPOC (native-keyword)

target epoch

Type = double

TARGEQUI (native-keyword)

target equinox

Type = double

TARGFRAM (native-keyword)

target frrame

Type = string

TARGNAME (native-keyword)

target name

Type = string

TARGPLAX (native-keyword)

target parallax

Type = double

TARGPMDC (native-keyword)

target proper motion dec

Type = double

TARGPMRA (native-keyword)

target proper motion ra

Type = double

TARGRA (native-keyword)

target right asciension

Type = double

TARGRADV (native-keyword)

target radial velocity

Type = double

TARGTMP1 (native-keyword)

Ch A desired temperature

Type = double

TARGTMP2 (native-keyword)

Ch B desired temperature

Type = double

TELESCOP (native-keyword)

Telescope name

Type = string

TELFOCUS (native-keyword)

telescope focus compensated

Type = double

TIMFILE (native-keyword)

Timing board .lod file name

Type = string

TMP1RANG (native-keyword)

Ch A heater range

Type = integer

TMPACT1 (native-keyword)

Channeel A control (0:off,1:on)

Type = integer

TMPACT2 (native-keyword)

Channeel B control (0:off,1:on)

Type = integer

TUBETEMP (native-keyword)

tube temperature

Type = double

TVANGL (native-keyword)

porg to ttv angle (1.2 deg)

Type = double

TVFLIP (native-keyword)

porg to tv y flip

Type = string

UTC (native-keyword)

coordinated universal time

Type = time

WAT0_001 (native-keyword)

Pixel coordinate system

Type = string

WAT1_001 (native-keyword)

WCS projection for axis 1

Type = string

WAT2_001 (native-keyword)

WCS projection for axis 2

Type = string

WCSDIM (native-keyword)

Number of WCS dimensions

Type = integer

XOFFSET (native-keyword)

dither pattern X offset

Type = double

XREFSUB (native-keyword)

Subtract reference pixels along columns

Type = integer

YOFFSET (native-keyword)

YOFFSET dither pattern Y/Nod offset

Type = double

YREFSUB (native-keyword)

Subtract reference pixels along rows

Type = integer

NIRES Meta-Keywords

DATLEVEL (meta-keyword)

Data reduction level

Type = integer

DISPSCAL (meta-keyword)

CCD pixel scale, dispersion (arcsec/pixel)

Type = double

DQA_DATE (meta-keyword)

Date of DQA run

Type = string

DQA_VERS (meta-keyword)

DQA version number

Type = string

ELAPTIME (meta-keyword)

Total integration time (ITIME * COADDS)

Type = double

seconds FILTER (meta-keyword)

Filter (null for spec, Kp for image)

Type = string

FRAMENO (meta-keyword)


Type = integer

GUIDFWHM (meta-keyword)

FWHM of guide star

Type = double

GUIDTIME (meta-keyword)

UT of GUIDFWHM value

Type = time

IMAGEMD (meta-keyword)

Imaging median

Type = double

IMAGEMN (meta-keyword)

Imaging mean

Type = double

IMAGESD (meta-keyword)

Imaging standard deviation

Type = double

KOAID (meta-keyword)

KOA data filename

Type = string

KOAIMTYP (meta-keyword)

KOA image type

Type = string

NPIXSAT (meta-keyword)

Number of pixels above saturation

Type = integer

OA (meta-keyword)

Observing assistant

Type = string

OFNAME (meta-keyword)

Original file name

Type = string

PROGID (meta-keyword)

WMKO program ID

Type = string

PROGINST (meta-keyword)

Program institution

Type = string

PROGPI (meta-keyword)

Program PI

Type = string

PROGTITL (meta-keyword)

Program title

Type = string

PROPINT (meta-keyword)

Proprietary period

Type = integer

SEMESTER (meta-keyword)

WMKO observing schedule semester

Type = string

SLITLEN (meta-keyword)

Slit length projected on sky (arcsec)

Type = double

SLITWIDT (meta-keyword)

Slit width projected on sky (arcsec)

Type = double

SPATSCAL (meta-keyword)

CCD pixel scale, spatial (arcsec/pixel)

Type = double

SPECRES (meta-keyword)

Nominal spectral resolution

Type = double

WAVEBLUE (meta-keyword)

Blue end wavelength

Type = integer

WAVECNTR (meta-keyword)

Central wavelength

Type = integer

WAVERED (meta-keyword)

Red end wavelength

Type = integer

WXDOMHUM (meta-keyword)

Dome humidity at WXTIME

Type = double

WXDOMTMP (meta-keyword)

Dome temperature at WXTIME

Type = double

WXDWPT (meta-keyword)

Dewpoint at WXTIME

Type = double

WXOUTHUM (meta-keyword)

Outside humidity at WXTIME

Type = double

WXOUTTMP (meta-keyword)

Outside temperature at WXTIME

Type = double

WXPRESS (meta-keyword)

Pressure at WXTIME

Type = double

WXTIME (meta-keyword)

Time of weather measurements

Type = time

WXWNDIR (meta-keyword)

Wind direction at WXTIME

Type = double

WXWNDSP (meta-keyword)

Wind speed at WXTIME

Type = double

UT (meta-keyword)

Copy of UTC

Type = time