2035 Science Strategic Plan
Over the last three decades, W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO) has transitioned from ‘the impossible machine’ to the premiere facility for discovery on the ground today. Astronomers using Keck have made fundamental and transformational discoveries across every aspect of the discipline, from the first few minutes of the universe to planets orbiting other stars. WMKO science remains the most impactful in the ground-based optical and infrared (OIR), with hundreds of highly-cited papers per year, national and international public interest, and critical contributions to two Nobel Prize-winning studies. Our leadership is a direct result of a scientific community that believes strongly that WMKO is their observatory, not just a tool. Our staff provide nimble, world-class support and service, and WMKO is a strong member of the local community. Nevertheless, each aspect of the environment the Observatory operates in has evolved since operations began. The facility is entering middle age, the world of work has changed, and our role in the community must evolve. We present in this document, Keck 2035: The W. M. Keck Observatory Strategic Plan. The year 2035 to scope the plan is chosen for many reasons. First, by 2035, a new lease for the observatory to operate on Maunakea will need to have been successfully negotiated. Second, on this timescale, significant changes in WMKO staffing across the Observatory will have occurred at every level. Finally, by 2035, the landscape of astronomical capabilities will be radically different both
on the ground and in space. This page last updated April 25 2023 ~sp.
Keck 2035 - The W. M. Keck Observatory Strategic Plan