twilight_zone_setup script

twilight_zone_setup --


twilight_zone_setup -- twilight_zone_setup - runs setup scripts for de Pater, de Kleer, Molter cadenced twilight observations of planets


Make running the Twilight Zone observing program as straightforward as
possible for observers and OA's without any affiliation to the project.
Defines easy-to-use variables that run the setup scripts requested
for the project.


./twilight_zone_setup [-timeit] [-target <value>]


target: Name of the planet or moon you're observing (options Io, Titan, Uranus, Neptune)
timeit: Print start and end times to logfile - used for testing


Changes in filters, subarrays, other settings to set up observations
If -timeit 1, output a .log file containing start and end time

./twilight_zone_setup -h


twilight_zone_setup -target Uranus

Modification history:

2017-07-10 Ned Molter Original version.
2019-07-02 Erin Redwing Modified for OSIRIS
2020-12-28 CAAI Adapted to the OSIRIS Linux upgrade
set usage message
Set defaults...
set rottest = 0.00
set wfaotest = off
check if any inputs at all - common mistake
make log file if running timeit
## Io stuff ###
## Titan stuff ###
## Uranus stuff ###
## Neptune stuff ###
## Invalid target catch ###

See Also

The shell script twilight_zone_setup
OSIRIS script index

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Last modified: Sat Feb 27 18:00:51 2021