osirisTakeDataset script

osirisTakeDataset -- coordinates dataset execution for OSIRIS


osirisTakeDataset -- coordinates dataset execution for OSIRIS

OSIRIS library of scripts


osirisTakeDataset [-t #] [-d dataset_name] [-n #] [-o object_name] \
[-O observers] [-P #] [-S spec_params] [-I imag_params] \
[-D dither_params] [-A AO_mode] [-e est_dither_time] \
[-m simulated_modes] [-OP object_pattern] [-SP sky_pattern]


This script sets up, coordinates, and executes OSIRIS SPEC and IMAG
exposures as part of an OSIRIS dataset. It is primarily called by the
OSIRIS Dataset Execution Client (ODEC), but may be called directly from
the command line as well. Interactions with the script while running
(ex. status and aborts) are accomplished with keywords in the OSIRIS
Global Server (service name "OSIRIS").


-t NUM
ID number to attach to all script generated errors, warnings, and
questions that are passed to the OGS. The ID number is separated
from the rest of the message with a ";".

-d 'Dataset Name'
Dataset name to be recorded in FITS files.

-n NUM
Dataset number for use with filenames and FITS headers. If a
dataset number is not passed, the script will get the current
one from OGS and increment it.

-T 'Dataset Type'
Observation type, used for DRS
Can be one of [(target OR astro), (calstar OR star), calib]

-o 'Object Name'
Object name to be recorded in FITS files. SPEC and IMAG files
will both have this value.

-O 'Observer'
Observer name(s) to be recorded in FITS files.

-P pa
If set, causes osirisTakeDataset to check if the currently set
telescope PA equals specified value. If they do not agree,
the script will prompt the user before starting the dataset.

-S sfilter sscale sitime scoadds
SPEC parameters to use for each dither position

-I 'mode' iframes [ifilter1 irepeats1 iitime1 icoadds1 etc...]
sets IMAG mode for current dataset. "iframes" is the total number
of IMAG frame setups to use (can be 0) per dither position. It is
followed by the appropriate number of sets of IMAG exposure settings.
The possible modes are:
-> "Disabled (Spec only)" 0

-> "Independent (Imager only)" 1 ifilter irepeats iitime icoadds

-> "Slave 1: Maximum Repeats" 1 ifilter irepeats iitime icoadds

-> "Slave 2: Maximum Itime" 1 ifilter irepeats iitime icoadds

-> "Slave 3: Increasing Itime" iframes ifilter1 irepeats1 iitime1 \
icoadds1 ifilter2 irepeats2 iitime2 icoadds2 etc...

-> "Slave 4: Filter Sets" iframes ifilter1 irepeats1 iitime1 \
icoadds1 ifilter2 irepeats2 iitime2 icoadds2 etc...

-> "Slave 5: Sync Readouts" 1 ifilter irepeats iitime icoadds

-D sframes coords issky1 xoff1 yoff1 issky2 xoff2 yoff2 etc...
dither pattern to use, consisting of sframes steps,
in either "sky" or "instr" coords, and using
the listed issky (0 or 1), xoff("), and yoff(")
for each step of the dither pattern

-A 'AO_mode'
selects the intended AO mode for the observations.
mostly important for
LGS observations. can be one of:
-> "NGS" = AO system in NGS mode
-> "LGS_NOLASER" = AO system in LGS mode, but laser
not being propagated
-> "LGS_FIXED" = AO system in LGS mode, laser not dithered
on tel moves
-> "LGS_DITHER" = AO system in LGS mode, laser dithered
on tel moves

-e seconds
estimated time for LBWFS exposures at a particular dither position.
for osiris, it is defined to be the time from when the first
exposure starts at a dither position, to the time when both
detectors have finished their exposure for a dither position.
the time estimate is normally calculated
by the ODEC using the most up-to-date values for OSIRIS overheads.

-m [ao tel det mot ogs]
simulate calls to particular RPC servers from osirisTakeDataset.
during simulated calls, the command is echoed
(instead of being executed)

-OP object_pattern
Pattern for object frames. Set by ODEC.
Current values are "None", "Stare", "Box4", "Box5",
"Box9", "Statistical Dither", "Raster Scan", and "User Defined"

-SP sky_pattern
Pattern for sky frames. Set by ODEC. Same choices as object_pattern.


osirisTakeDataset -t 12345 -d 'Test Dataset' -n 100 -o 'My Favorite Star' \
-O 'Larry, Curly, and Moe' -P 45.0 -S Kbb 0.05 10 1 \
-I 'Slave 4: Filter Sets" 2 Kn1 1 2 1 Kn5 1 2 1 \
-D 4 sky 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 -1 -1 -m ao tel

Takes a dataset with a 4-position dither, Kbb SPEC data, two IMG frames per
dither position (Kn1 & Kn5), and simulated calls to AO and TEL servers.






service = osiris


help, syncheck


2 - invalid argument enountered while parsing command line input
3 - aborted script due to scriptrun conflict


to be added

See Also

The shell script osirisTakeDataset
OSIRIS script index

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Last modified: Fri Feb 18 02:51:29 2022