#!/bin/csh -f #+ #OSIRIS library of scripts # #NAME # cryotemps - print electronics cabinet temps to screen # #SYNOPSIS # cryotemps (no args) # #DESCRIPTION # prints the current cabinet and detector temperatures to the screen # as well as the log files. # #OPTIONS # None # #EXAMPLES # cryotemps # #ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # None # #FILES # None # #SERVERS & KEYWORDS # list of the servers and keywords used, for example: # # service = osiris # keywords: dtmp[1-8], icurtmp, itrgtmp, scurtmp, strgtmp # dtmplogdir, dtmplogfile, dtmplogging # otcslogdir, otcslogfile, otcslogging # #SCRIPTS CALLED # list of the scripts called by this script, for example: # # help, syncheck # #EXIT STATUS # 0 - normal exit, no error # #SEE ALSO # ??? #- # # Modification History: # 2006 jan 18 jlyke adapted for OSIRIS from NIRSPEC version # 2017 nov 19 jlyke updated output formatting #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the temperatures set service = ot1s set allcapsserv = `echo $service | /usr/bin/tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` # get dewar temps (dtmp#) set sensors = (tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 tmp4 tmp5 tmp6 tmp7 tmp8) set tmp = `show -s $service -terse $sensors` #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get logging information # Dewar temp log # logdir set tmplogdir = `show -s $service -terse logdir` # logfile set tmplogfile = `show -s $service -terse logfile` # is logging enabled? set tmplogging = `show -s $service -terse logging` if ($tmplogging == 1 ) then set tmplogstat = "on" else set tmplogstat = "off" endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print results to the screen set format = "%-10s %-33s %-10s %7.2f\n" set space = " " echo " Service = $allcapsserv OSIRIS Dewar Temperatures (K) " echo "===============================================================" echo " Keyword Location Normal Temp " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" set number = ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) foreach num ($number) set location = `show -s $service -terse tmploc$num` set range = "`show -s $service -terse tmprng$num`" printf "$format" " $sensors[$num]" "$location" "$range" $tmp[$num] end echo "===============================================================" echo " Log File " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" echo " $tmplogdir$tmplogfile" echo " Logging is $tmplogstat" echo " " dettemps