The following tables list scripts that can be used to control
OSIRIS and/or the telescope. These are useful for two things:
- As shortcuts, they can be entered on any
napili command line to run the instrument in a
command-line mode, as is done with NIRC2
- As building blocks in OSIRIS shell scripts which can
perform complex operations.
These commands are always available from any OSIRIS account when
logged into the OSIRIS workstation,
OSIRIS Script Library
AO -
- ao2real -- disconnects AO simulator
- ao2sim -- puts AO system into simulate mode
- aodelay -- sets wfao delay time
- aohatch -- opens or closes the AO hatch cover
- configAOforDomeFlats --
- osirisRefocusAO -- change the AO focus to match sscale
- rotate -- move rotator and set mode
- setdar -- sets dar mode and tells wfao to wait/not wait for dar
- trickDichroic -- shows or sets the TRICK dichroic poistion
- wait4ao -- sets wait for tip-tilt, deformable mirror, and DAR states
- wait4dar -- turns DAR offloading on/off
- wait4dm -- enables/disables waiting for deformable mirror loop closure
- wait4fsm -- waits for field steering mirror to complete move
- wait4tt -- enables/disables waiting for tip-tilt loop closure
- wfao -- waits for AO loops to close
CONTROL - Scripts to start/stop software
OPERATIONS - Scripts for starting MOSFIRE
RUN - Scripts for keyword servers
- osiris -- base start/stop/restart script for servers, guis, etc.
UTIL - Scripts for gathering information
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