Verify that the NIRSPAO reconfig to/from AO is Complete
Call the summit, and reach out to the on-duty K2 Instrument Support Tech. Confirm that NIRSPEC is (either) inside AO or back at Right NAS, safely defined with all its lines and connections re-established. You can tell them that you will be doing the post-reconfig powerup checkout, and will let them know when that is done.
Set the correct keyword for NIRSPEC or
NIRSPAO operations
- Open a local xterm within the instument VNC
session. (NIRSPEC menu, login windows, local xterm)
modify -s nsmores instrume=NIRSPEC (for destination RNAS, i.e. seeing limited)
modify -s nsmores instrume=NIRSPAO (for destination LNAS, i.e. AO)
Establish and Verify Power to NIRSPEC's outlets
- From any nirspec xterm:
power on all
- Verify that all outlets are now powered on:
Normal output should look something like this:
NIRSPEC Power Service = nspower
Stat Keyword Description Power (W)
Power Strip A = nspower1
On OUTLET_A1 Flatlamp 15
On OUTLET_A2 Arclamp 0
On OUTLET_A3 nsmotor2 Galil 40
On OUTLET_A7 nspec HxRG SAM 17
On OUTLET_A8 nscam HxRG SAM 17
Power Strip B = nspower2
On OUTLET_B1 Forward heat exchanger 59
On OUTLET_B3 MAGIQ Guider 141
On OUTLET_B7 FEU TipTilt 2
On OUTLET_B8 FEU Zaber 6
Power Strip C = nspower3
On OUTLET_C1 nsdewar1 LakeShore 336 20
On OUTLET_C2 nsdewar2 LakeShore 336 20
On OUTLET_C3 nsdewar3 LakeShore 218 3
On OUTLET_C4 nsdewar4 Varian 19
Power Strip D = nspower4
On OUTLET_D1 Terminal server 6
On OUTLET_D2 Network Switch 19
On OUTLET_D3 nsmotor1 Galil 38
On OUTLET_D4 nsmotor3 ADAM 6066 4
On OUTLET_D5 Rear heat exchanger 69
Check Instrument Temperatures
- To get temperatures (K) and rate of temperature change (K/min) (from any nirspec xterm):
temps -d
- Temps will be mildly elevated, (e.g. CCR350, CCR1050, OPTPLATE),
but all should be coming down
(i.e. showing negative K/min values. Normal Temperatures look like this:
Service = NSDEWAR NIRSPEC Temperatures (K)
Keyword Location Temp
BENCH1INVAL Temperature-value 50.860
BENCH2INVAL Temperature-value 50.652
CCR1050VAL Temperature-value 47.768
CCR350VAL Temperature-value 16.024
LN2CANVAL Temperature-value 58.463
OPTPLATEVAL Temperature-value 57.604
ROTMOTVAL Temperature-value 58.956
ROTTOPVAL Temperature-value 76.660
SCAMASICVAL Temperature-value 51.793
SCAMFILTVAL Temperature-value 54.683
SCAMTEMP1VAL Temperature-value 30.005
SCAMTEMP2VAL Temperature-value 29.888
SPECASICVAL Temperature-value 62.103
SPECTEMP1VAL Temperature-value 30.000
SPECTEMP2VAL Temperature-value 29.928
TMAVAL Temperature-value 58.779
Restart the SPEC detector service
- From any nirspec xterm, issue these commands in succession:
- Note: Takes about 60 seconds for the timing file to be downloaded, indicated when the detector status to turns to "Idling".
show -s nspec status
Restart the SCAM detector service
- From any nirspec xterm, issue these commands in succession:
- Note: Takes about 60 seconds for the initialization to complete, indicated when the detector status to turns to "Idle".
show -s nscam status
Start up NIRSPEC software from any user number account (e.g. nspec1)
On the VNC background menu: NIRSPEC Control
Menu → NIRSPEC Start Up.
This will launch the following GUIs:
- Control 0:
NIRSPEC Format Simulator (AO Mode) GUI, aka. Echelle
Formal Simulator (EFS).
NIRSPEC instrument control GUI (mechanisms)
Program Identification GUI (PIG)
Eventsounds GUI
- Control 1:
SCAM Ginga display GUI
SCAM detector dialog
NSCAM Status display
- Control 2:
SPEC Ginga display GUI
SPEC detector Dialog
NSPEC Status display
- Telstatus:
Optionally, the following GUIs can be launched from the VNC
pulldown menu:
K2 Telescope Status Menu → FACSUM
K2 Telescope Status Menu → XMET - Weather
Initialize all motors (go to control 0 desktop)
- First, reset the mechanism motion motor control mode to "position". From any nirspec xterm:
motmode pos
- Initialize all the mechanisms (from any nirspec xterm):
Note 1: This command will not execute if the optical plate is
warmer than 69K. Check temps to verify you are in range (from any xterm): temps
Note 2: When the init_all_motors
command is active,
you will see motion to the mechanisms shown in the NIRSPEC
Instrument Control GUI. You will see all GREEN check marks when successfully completed - takes several minutes.
Note 3: It is possible this command will complete quickly (with no errors), which means it has already sensed the need to re-calibrate mechanisms and has already completed this task. You'll see all GREEN check marks in this case.
- Clear any mechanism states that are indicated by "???" or "UNKNOWN" in the NIRSPEC GUI (usually this is just the Pinhole and Fold Mirror stages). Click on each of those stages and from the pop up window pull down, select "Out" for Fold Mirror and Pinhole, and "In" for FEU flip, and click "Apply" to move those stages there. Often in the first attempt to do this, there are no choices listed. Then, close the popup window and try again. (this is a known bug).
Check SCAM detector (go to control 1 desktop)
- Check the NSCAM status window above the Ginga Display.
When you see status = Idle,
then you are ready to take an exposure
If the status shows an error or fault, then restart the SCAM
detector service (see above) and wait for status = Idle
Note 1: As of April 2022, NIRSPEC has a UPS installed to keep power on the SCAM detector controller throughout the reconfig.
So there should be no need to power down and power up the detector controller galil.
Note 2: It is now very unusual for you to need to restart the detector service more than once to get SCAM back to life. In pre-UPS days, initial attempts could've resulted in status =
fault, or complaints in the detector dialog about the file not being written. Sometimes, it can help to toggle between full frame and sub-array (i.e. normal mode) SCAM display modes:
Take a test exposure on SCAM
From any nirspec xterm:
tint2 0.67 (this is the minimum seconds for SCAM readout)
coadds2 1
- Ginga display shows image readout. Note, the first time
you do this, you can sometimes get all zeros for counts. If so, take a second
exposure. You should expect to see low counts (< 50 ADU) with
Check SPEC detector (go to control 2 desktop)
- Check the NSPEC status window above the Ginga Display.
When you see status = Idling,
then you are ready to take an exposure.
If the status shows an error or fault, then restart the SPEC
detector service (see above) and then wait for status = Idling
Note 1: As of April 2022, NIRSPEC has a UPS installed to keep power on the SPEC detector controller throughout the reconfig.
So there should be no need to power down and power up the detector here.
Note 2: It is now very unusual for you to need to restart the detector service more than once to get SPEC back to life. In pre-UPS days, initial attempts could have resulted in status =
fault, or complaints in the detector dialog about the file not being written.
Take a test exposure on SPEC
- From any nirspec xterm:
tint 1.5 (this is the minimum seconds for SPEC readout)
coadds 1
- The SPEC Ginga display shows image readout. Note, the
first time you do this, you can sometimes get all zeros for counts. If so, take
a second exposure. You should expect to see around 30-50
Take Test Calibration Lamps and Verify Flux Levels and Mechanism Positioning
- From control 0 EFS: Set up to configure instrument, Obs
mode=Setup Only.
- Configure to any particular instrument setup: (e.g. High
Res, Slit= 0.432x12 when at RNAS, or 0.041x1.13 when inside AO), & use NIRSPEC-7
with default grating angles).
- Click GO to configure the instrument. Verify the mechanisms
go to the selected positions on the NIRSPEC instrument control GUI.
- Set Up EFS for taking lamps, Obs Mode=Lamps Only.
- Click GO to take a small set of lamps: Takes one dark (lamps
off), one flat lamp, and one arclamp.
Verify on Ginga SPEC that the frames have read out, Lamps-on Flats
should have ~10,000 counts. See example of SPEC flatfield image.
Verify that the grating angles are roughly correct for the default Kband setting, by comparing with the expected SPEC arc image. It is normal for there to be a fractional order shift in the up/down direction compared with the comparion image.
Take a SCAM image (tint2=0.67, coadds2=1) and verify background counts are correct: (1000-1300 counts for SCAM non-AO images and 0-50 counts for SCAM AO images) . Note that the differences here are due to the Current Stop of the SPEC filter being set automatically by the EFS to "thin" (for NIRSPEC) or "AO" (for NIRSPAO). You should see the slit in NIRSPEC/SCAM but not in NIRSPAO/SCAM.
Finish up
- If NIRSPEC is at RNAS, it is now ready for science. Finish up by putting the instrument into a safe state. From any VNC via the background menu, select NIRSPEC Control Menu -> End of Night Shutdown.
- If NIRSPEC is inside AO, leave the instrument control software up and proceed to the NIRSPAO Begin Run AO check, or shutdown and do that later.