NIRES keywords belong in two separate libraries:
Action | spectrograph keywords | slit viewer keywords |
show | show -s nsds keyword | show -s nids keyword |
show (shortcut) | s keyword | si keyword |
modify | modify -s nsds keyword=value | modify -s nids keyword=value |
modify (shortcut) | m keyword=value | mi keyword=value |
The following tables list all of the keywords contained in the NIRES spectrograph and NIRES slit viewer libraries.
Keyword | Description | Datatype | Libraries |
ABORT | Abort exposure immediately (1), after read (2), after coadd (3) | integer | S, I |
ARRAYCOLS | Number of columns of detector | integer | S, I |
ARRAYROWS | Number of rows of detector | integer | S, I |
BADPIX | Fits filename containing bad pixel map | string | S, I |
CALCREADS | Automatically calculate number of reads | integer | S, I |
CDSMODE | Set SDSU CDS MODE bit | integer | S, I |
COADDS | Number of frames to coadd | integer | S, I |
COADDSDONE | Completed frames in current coaddition sequence | integer | S, I |
COMMENT | Comment for frame | string | S, I |
DATAFILE | Filename for saved data image | string | S, I |
DETPOW | Turn on(1)/off(0) detector power | integer | S, I |
DUMPTABLE | Display all keywords and their values | integer | I |
ELAPSEDMS | Exposure elapsed time (ms) | integer | S, I |
EXPOSING | Flag for when an exposure is in progress | integer | S, I |
EXTENSION | FITS file extension | string | S, I |
FAULT | Server fault (defined in tds.h) | integer | S, I |
FILENAME | Full path name of image currently exposing | string | S, I |
FRAMENUM | Frame Number | integer | S, I |
FRAMESPERBUFF | Frames per buffer | integer | S, I |
GAIN | Detector gain in electrons per ADU | float | S, I |
GETACSKW | Get ACS keywords for FITS header flag | integer | S, I |
GETAOKW | Get AO keywords for FITS header flag | integer | S, I |
GETDCSKW | Get DCS keywords for FITS header flag | integer | S, I |
GETKW | Get NIRES keywords for FITS header flag | integer | S, I |
GO | Start a saved exposure | integer | S, I |
IMAGEDONE | Set to 1 when image is written to disk | integer | S, I |
IMAGETYPE | Type of image written to disk (-2: aborted test, -1: aborted data, 1: data image, 2: test image) | integer | S, I |
INIT | Initialize, reset, and power up SDSU controller | integer | S, I |
INSTR | Spectrometer (spec) or Imager (imag) | string | S, I |
ITIME | Integration time | float | S,I |
LASTALIVE | Time at which server was last noted to be alive | string | S, I |
LASTFILE | Full path name of last image that was written to disk | string | S, I |
LINCOEFF | Fits file with linearization coefficients | string | S, I |
LOADTIM | Load timing-board DSP .lod file | integer | S, I |
LOCKENG | Lock all engineering keywords | string | I |
LOGLEVEL | Logging level control | integer | S, I |
LSCLIENT | List current UI clients connected to the server | integer | I |
MAXFRAMESPERBUFF | Maximum Frames per buffer | integer | S, I |
MAXREADS | Maximum number of UTR reads | integer | S, I |
MAXUTRREADS | Maximum number of UTR reads | integer | S, I |
MINRDITIME! | Minimum time between reads | float | S, I |
MINUTRRDITIME | Minimum time between reads for UTR autocalc | float | S, I |
NOISEFIL | Filename containing read noise frame | string | S, I |
NUMCHAN | Number of channels of the array to read. | integer | S, I |
NUMFS | Number of Fowler samples (SDSU NFS) | integer | S, I |
NUMREADS | Number of reads per coadd | integer | S, I |
NUMUTRS | SDSU NUTR value | integer | S, I |
OBJECT | Object name | string | S, I |
OBSTYPE | Observation type: astro, star, calib | string | S, I |
OUTDIR | Directory to which saved files a written | string | S, I |
PCIFILE | Filename containing PCI DSP code | string | S, I |
POWFAULT | Controller power fault: 1=faulted, 0=not faulted | integer | S, I |
POWSTAT | Detector power state (0=off,1=on) | integer | S, I |
PROGRESS | Pecentage that exposure is complete | float | S, I |
RDITIME | Integration time between start of successive reads | float | S, I |
READSDONE | Number of completed reads for current frame | integer | S, I |
READTIME | Array pixel readout time | float | S, I |
READY | Flag for SDSU System readyness (0:busy/error, 1:ok to expose) | integer | S, I |
RELOAD | Reload keyword table to allow dynamically adding | integer | I |
RESET | Reset SDSU Controller | integer | S, I |
SAMPMODE | Sampling Mode: 1: UTR, 2: PseudoCDS: Subtract 2nd read from last, 3: Fowler, 4: Single | integer | S, I |
SATURATE | Saturation level of detector | integer | S, I |
SAVETEST | Save more recent test exposure | integer | S, I |
SBNBID | Board ID for SBN command | integer | S, I |
SBNBNAME | Board name, VID or CLK | string | S, I |
SBNDAC | DAC number for SBN command | integer | S, I |
SBNVOLT | Voltage for SBN command | integer | S, I |
SERCOM | H2RGSerial register command | integer | S |
SETAEX | Send AEX command to timing-board DSP | integer | S |
SETINI | Initialize array and DSP registers | integer | S |
SETISM | Initialize timing board external memory with this value | integer | S |
SETNUM | Dataset Number | integer | S, I |
SETRIR | Clear H2RG registers | integer | S |
SETSBN | Execute SBN command | integer | S, I |
SETSEX | Execute SEX command | integer | S, I |
SETSMX | Execute SMX command | integer | S, I |
SETSTP | Stop idle | integer | S, I |
SETSVO | Execute SVO command | integer | S, I |
SHUTDOWN | Shut down the server | integer | S, I |
SIMIMAGE | Turn on(1)/off(0) DSP-simulated image | integer | S |
SIMINC | Value to increment each pixel value | integer | S |
SIMULATE | Simulation control | integer | S, I |
SMXBID | Board ID for SMX command | integer | S, I |
SMXMUX1 | Clock output for MUX1 connector | integer | S, I |
SMXMUX2 | Clock output for MUX2 connector | integer | S, I |
STATUS | Current status of electronics | string | S, I |
STEST | Test function | integer | S, I |
SVOBID | Board ID for SVO command | integer | S, I |
SVODAC | DAC number for SVO command | integer | S, I |
SVOVOLT | Voltage for SVO command | integer | S, I |
TDL | Test data link, send TDL command | integer | S, I |
TEST | Start a test exposure | integer | S, I |
TESTDIR | Directory to which test files are written | string | S, I |
TESTFILE | Name for data file for test exposure | string | S, I |
TIMERPERIOD | Set the time between each poll | double | S, I |
TIMFILE | Filename containing timing DSP code | string | S, I |
WRITEALL | Write each read of exposure to disk (0:no, 1:yes) | integer | S, I |