| Units
| Description
help [command]
| text
| Display a brief list of commands, or more detailed information on command.
morehelp |
Display a longer list of commands, similar to this one.
abort |
Type Ctrl-C to abort, quit to exit
adc12 |
Select 12-bit ADCs. |
adc16 |
Select 16-bit ADCs. |
az x
| arcsec
| Move telescope x arcsecs in azimuth.
bells n
| integer
| Ring the terminal bell n times.
box5 |
Move telescope in a 5-point box pattern and take frames.
box9 |
Move telescope in a 9-point box pattern.
bstat [xlo ylo xhi yhi]
| integer
| Show buffer statistics. A subsection of the image can be specified by four additional parameters.
bxy5 x y
| arcsec
| Move telescope in a 5-point pattern aligned with NIRC.
bxy5q x y
| arcsec
| Move telescope in a 5-point pattern aligned with NIRC; do not display frames.
bxy8 x y
| arcsec
| Move telescope in an 8-point pattern aligned with NIRC.
bxy8q x y
| arcsec
| Move telescope in an 8-point pattern aligned with NIRC; do not display frames.
bxy9 x y
| arcsec
| Move telescope in a 9-point pattern aligned with NIRC.
bxy9q x y
| arcsec
| Move telescope in a 9-point pattern aligned with NIRC; do not display frames.
cent x y
| pixels
| Move an object at (x,y) to the center of NIRC.
chopnod nc
| integer
| Chops east and north, then nods the telescope by the same east and north distances. This takes 4*nc frames.
choptrig |
Chops east and north and takes a 2-frame file.
| Prompts user for chop amplitude, angle, and number of chops between two positions.
chp0 |
Return chopper to its home (zero) position.
chpamp a
| arcsec
| Set the chop amplitude to a.
chpang a
| degrees
| Set the chop angle to a.
chpazoff az
| arcsec
| Set the chop azimuth offset to az.
chpclkan a
| degrees
| Set the chopper clock angle to a.
chpconan a
| arcsec
| Set the chopper cone angle to a.
chpe e
| arcsec
| Set the chop RA offset to e.
chpeloff el
| arcsec
| Set the chopper elevation offset to el.
chpen e n
| arcsec
| Set both east (e) and north (n) chop offsets.
chpfreq f
| Hz
| Set the chop frequency to f and begin chopping.
chpinit |
Initialize chopper defaults; zero chpazoff, chpeloff.
chpn n
| arcsec
| Set the chop Dec. offset to n.
chpoffset o
| arcsec
| Set the chopper offset to o.
chprelto m
| text
| Set the chopper relative to the rotator tracking mode. posang = chop angle stays fixed on sky; vertical = chop angle stays fixed relative to vertical, fixed = chop angle stays mechanically fixed...
chpreset |
Reset and restore chopper base offsets.
chpstart |
Start chopping. |
chpstat |
Show chopper status.
chpstop |
Stop chopping. |
chpxy x y
| Sets the chopper instrument x and y offsets.
close |
Close the slits and mask.
coadd [n]
| integer
| Set the number of frames to coadd to n, or report the current number of coadds if n is not specified.
contgoi buf
| integer
| Continuously take frames to buffer buf without saving.
detbias v
| volts
| Set the detector bias to v volts.
dir |
| List data files.
| Disable motor power.
dlp |
| Display last picture.
dp n
| integer
| Display picture n.
dpc n
| integer
| Display chop file n, showing first frame in upper left, second in upper right, difference in lower left.
e e
| arcsec
| Move telescope east e arcsec.
el el
| arcsec
| Move telescope in elevation el arcsec.
edge x
| float
| Move the edge of the finger mask to column x.
en e n
| arcsec
| Move telescope east e arcsec, and north n arcsec.
| Enable motor power.
endnight |
Shutdown; does f77k, tmclose, and turns off electronics.
f77k |
Move filter wheels to cold plug.
filt2k |
Select 2 kHz low pass filter.
filt20k |
Select 20 kHz low pass filter.
filt200k |
Select 200 kHz low pass filter.
filt2meg |
Select 2 MHz low pass filter.
finger x
| float
| Move the finger pointer to column x.
foc f
| mm
| Set telescope focus to f.
foc3 f df
| mm
| Take 3-position focus images with telescope focus stepped from f by df.
foc5 f df
| mm
| Take 5-position focus images with telescope focus stepped from f by df.
foc8 f df
| mm
| Take 8-position focus images with telescope focus stepped from f by df.
focus sf ef
| mm
| Take focus images with telescope focus starting at sf, ending at ef, in 0.1 mm steps.
fromsky |
Offset the negative of the telescope by the nod parameters.
fstretch x
| Set frame stretch time to x.
fwi_ n
| integer
| Move inner filter wheel to position n.
fwihole |
Move inner filter wheel to open hole.
fwo_ n
| integer
| Move outer filter wheel to position n.
fwohole |
Move outer filter wheel to open hole.
go |
| Prompt for taking an exposure. .
goi [n]
| integer
| Take an exposure. If n is specified, n exposures will be taken
goibuf [n]
| integer
| Take a frame (or n frames) but don't save to disk.
goibufv [n]
| integer
| goibuf and display the frame(s).
gois [nslice [n]]
| integer
| Take n data cubes (1 file per cube) which each contain nslice frames. If n is not specified only one cube is taken, and if nslice is not specified it defaults to 100.
goiv |
Take exposure and display.
gxy x y
| arcsec
| Move telescope in guider coordinates.
higain |
Set preamp to high gain.
homemot |
Home motors. |
homeic |
Home image converter.
iccent x y
| float
| Move object on (x,y) in full NIRC field to center of image converter.
icin |
Insert image converter.
icout |
Remove image converter from beam.
imagetyp str
| text
| Set the "IMTYPE" FITS keyword to str.
| Initialize the collect structure.
| Initialize offsets for 128x128 centered subarray.
| Initialize offsets for full 256x256 array.
| Initialize offsets for 64x64 centered subarray.
lastfile |
Shows the last file number.
lheoff |
Turn off relay to read LHe level.
lheon |
Turn on relay to read LHe level.
lindisp min max
| float
| Linear stretch display between min and max.
logain |
Set preamp to low gain.
lvloff |
Turn off level shifter power.
lvlon |
Turn on level shifter power.
malign |
Take frames for focusing, removing coma, and stacking primary.
mark |
Set telescope current position to the base position.
mosaic nx ny dx dy
| arcsec
| Move and take goi frames in nx rows, ny cols, with (dx,dy) offsets.
mot n x
| integer
| Move motor n to position x.
mov x1 y1 x2 y2
| pixels
| Move an object from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) on NIRC.
mskclr |
Remove the slit mask from the beam.
mxy x y
| arcsec
| Move the telescope (x,y) arcsec in NIRC coordinates.
n n
| arcsec
| Move the telescope north n arcsec.
newdir [disk]
| text
| Creates a new directory on the specified disk (or by default the disk with the most space available-the top of the list produced by the disks command). The new directory is of the form /sdata*/nirc/ddMmmyyyy, where ddMmmyyyy represents the UT date, dd being the day, Mmm the month, and yyyy the year.
nextfile n
| integer
| Set the next file number to n. If the value is left off, it will set the next file number to one greater than the largest number in the current output directory.
nircfast |
Load a fast timing pattern for tint > 68 msec/frame.
nod e n
| arcsec
| Set the telescope nod distance e east and n north.
node e
| arcsec
| Set the telescope nod distance e east.
nodn n
| arcsec
| Set the telescope nod distance n north.
obj str
| text
| Set the OBJECT FITS keyword to str.
odiff |
Display the difference between the last file and the previous file.
ostat |
Show the statistics from the last picture.
pag1 |
Set preamp second stage gain to 1.
pag2 |
Set preamp second stage gain to 2.
pag4 |
Set preamp second stage gain to 4.
pag10 |
Set preamp second stage gain to 10.
patfast |
Load the fastest timing pattern for tint > 53 msec/frame.
patslow |
Load the default, low-noise timing pattern for tint > 430 msec/frame.
pdiff n m
| integer
| Display file n - file m.
pd n m
| integer
| Display file n - file m.
peckoff |
Turn off Peck cage power.
peckon |
Turn on Peck cage power.
pstat n
| integer
| Show statistics from file n.
quit |
Quit the "nirc" software gracefully, return to maili shell.
s s
| arcsec
| Move telescope s arcsec south.
s5 |
| Move object along the slit to 5 positions, taking frames each time.
scent x y
| Move object at (x,y) to (180,128), the nominal slit center.
sdiff |
Display second to last file - last file.
showfilt |
List available filters.
showtime |
Show the timing generator pattern.
showvolt |
Show detector voltages.
slt1 x
| Move the 1.5-pixel wide slit to column x.
slt2 x
| Move the 2.5-pixel wide slit to column x.
slt3 x
| Move the 3.5-pixel wide slit to column x.
slt4 x
| Move the 4.5-pixel wide slit to column x.
slt8 x
| Move the 8.5-pixel wide slit to column x.
slt16 x
| Move the 16.5-pixel wide slit to column x.
sltclr |
Clear all slits and mask out of the beam.
sltmov y
| arcsec
| Move the object along the slit by y arcsec.
sltsclr |
Clear all slits out of the beam.
snap |
Prompt for information, take an exposure (go), nod telescope, take an exposure (goi).
snapi [n]
| Take n exposure/nod/expsoure/return sequences.
snapiv [n]
| snapi with a display of each object-sky pair.
sp2 n
| integer
| Take n exposures, moving 2 positions along slit separated by 12.8 arcsecs.
sp55 n
| integer
| Take n exposures, moving between 5 positions along slit separated by 5 arcsecs.
sp56 n
| integer
| Take n exposures, moving between 5 positions along slit separated by 6 arcsecs.
sp74 n
| integer
| Take n exposures, moving between 7 positions along slit separated by 4 arcsecs.
subc nx [ny]
| integer
| Select a centered nx x nx or nx x ny subarray.
subll nx [ny]
| integer
| Select a lower left nx x nx or nx x ny subarray
| Disables temperature controller.
| Enables temperature controller.
thinxy dx dy n
| arcsec, integer
| Take 5n exposures, using a box with (dx,dy) steps, plus the central position, displaying each.
thinxyq x y n
| arcsec, integer
| Take 5n exposures, using a box with (dx,dy) steps, plus the central position.
tint [t]
| seconds
| Set integration time to t seconds. If t is not specified, the current integration time is reported.
tmc |
| Close tertiary mirror cover.
tmclose |
Close tertiary mirror cover.
tmo |
| Open tertiary mirror cover.
tmopen |
Open tertiary mirror cover.
tmpitch r
| radians
| Move tertiary mirror pitch to r radians.
tmyaw r
| radians
| Move tertiary mirror yaw to r radians.
tosky |
| Offset the telescope by the nod parameters.
typ str
| text
| Set "IMAGETYP" FITS keyword to str.
w w
| arcsec
| Move telescope w arcsec west.
wd [n]
| integer
| Write data in buffer n to disk file. If n is not specified, buf4 is written.
x x
| arcsec
| Move telescope x arcsec in NIRC coordinates.
y y
| arcsec
| Move telescope y arcsec in NIRC coordinates.
Ctrl-C |
Abort a command, return to "p3maili%" prompt.