units |
x x
arcsec |
Moves the telescope x arcsecs horizontally on NIRC relative to the current position.
y y
arcsec |
Moves the telescope y arcsecs vertically on NIRC.
mxy x y
arcsec |
Moves the telescope in both x and y (arcsecs) on NIRC.
az x
arcsec |
Moves the telescope x arcsecs in azimuth.
el x
arcsec |
Moves the telescope x arcsecs in elevation.
gxy x y
arcsec |
Moves the telescope(x,y) arcsecs in guider coordinates.
e e
arcsec |
Moves the telescope e arcsecs east.
n n
arcsec |
Moves the telescope n arcsecs north.
s s
arcsec |
Moves the telescope s arcsecs south.
w w
arcsec |
Moves the telescope w arcsecs west.
en e n or mt e n
arcsec |
Moves the telescope e arcsecs east, n arcsecs north.
cent x y
pixels |
Centers an object on NIRC coordinates (x,y) to (128,128).
scent x y
pixels |
Centers an object on NIRC coordinates (x,y) to (180,128), the default grism center.
iccent x y
pixels |
Centers an object on NIRC coordinates (x,y), without the image converter, to the middle of the image converter field.
mov x1 y1 x2 y2
pixels |
Moves an object on NIRC coordinates (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
sltmov x
arcsec |
Moves the telescope along the slit x arcsecs. +x moves the object up the slit.