Centering Objects
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Today is Sunday, February 23, 2025.
Commands for centering objects on NIRC.
x x arcsec Moves the telescope x arcsecs horizontally on NIRC relative to the current position.
y y arcsec Moves the telescope y arcsecs vertically on NIRC.
mxy x y arcsec Moves the telescope in both x and y (arcsecs) on NIRC.
az x arcsec Moves the telescope x arcsecs in azimuth.
el x arcsec Moves the telescope x arcsecs in elevation.
gxy x y arcsec Moves the telescope(x,y) arcsecs in guider coordinates.
e e arcsec Moves the telescope e arcsecs east.
n n arcsec Moves the telescope n arcsecs north.
s s arcsec Moves the telescope s arcsecs south.
w w arcsec Moves the telescope w arcsecs west.
en e n or mt e n arcsec Moves the telescope e arcsecs east, n arcsecs north.
cent x y pixels Centers an object on NIRC coordinates (x,y) to (128,128).
scent x y pixels Centers an object on NIRC coordinates (x,y) to (180,128), the default grism center.
iccent x y pixels Centers an object on NIRC coordinates (x,y), without the image converter, to the middle of the image converter field.
mov x1 y1 x2 y2 pixels Moves an object on NIRC coordinates (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
sltmov x arcsec Moves the telescope along the slit x arcsecs. +x moves the object up the slit.

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Last modified: 01/25/2005 00:46
Send questions or comments to: NIRC Master