FIGDISP Keyboard Shortcuts
To start FIGDISP:
Use the pull-down menu on your account to start FIGDISP. If there is not an item for starting or restarting FIGDISP...

setenv DISPLAY haleiwa:0.1 (for remote observing at HQ)
kfigdisp -maxColors 220 -gui & (start kfigdisp with fewer colors to save some for other windows)

PANNING: Click on the left mouse button in any window except the pixel values window to move the point under the cursor to the center of the main window.

CONTRAST ADJUSTMENT: To resample the baseline stretch, cycle the PAUSE button (see below for tables). Press and hold the right mouse button to manipulate the color LUTs (LookUp Tables). The X position of the cursor controls the offset and the Y position controls the slope. Release the mouse button within 10 pixels of the press point to reset the LUT offset and slope. This has no effect when histogram equalization is being used.

LINE GRAPHICS: Press the middle mouse button on a point, drag it to another point, and release it to produce a line plot of the data values between the two points.

STATISTICS: Figdisp can calculate statistics, where the left and right mouse buttons define the corners of the sample box. Note that this does not work reliably; you may have to adjust your box after clicking on the corners. Use PRINT SCREEN to toggle statistics mode off/on.

The following keys are defined (F-keys at TOP of keyboard, L-keys at LEFT of keyboard, R-keys on the NUMPAD):

F2Zoom in
F3Go to normal zoom factor
F4Zoom out
F6Toggle cursor display (Pixel location/ADU's)
F7Recenter image
F8Toggle display of window showing image location within main window in the entire image
F10Show a window containing the color map
L1Toggle display of pixel values near the cursor
L2Produce a row plot in the line graphics window
L3Print the image
L4Print the visible portion of the image
L8Toggle color map inversion
L9Toggle display of window showing the centroid and FWHM of the star near the cursor
L10Produce a column plot in the line graphics window
commaDecrease number of pixels averaged for a line plot
periodIncrease number of pixels averaged for a line plot
slashReset number of pixels averaged for a line plot
F16Toggle function key inhibiting.
HelpHelp (display this message)
R7Zoom in X coordinates
R9Zoom out X coordinates
R3Zoom in Y coordinates
R5Zoom out Y coordinates
lessDecrease number of times LUT entries are recycled.
greaterIncrease number of times LUT entries are recycled.
questionNo longer use LUT entry recycling.
PAUSECycle between: histogram equalization, autodisp, normal.
Toggle mouse: box ul, slit, box lr. center, slit, color.
Print image statistics within box.

All windows except the location window may be resized arbitrarily. The location window can be resized within limits, and the program will often adjust the user defined size. The line graphics window should not be resized while it is being modified.

F11 or F19 pressed in the main window or in the location window will cause the pixel values or seeing window do appear. The window may be dismissed by the same button inside that window. All other functions work from all windows (F2 always zooms in).

None of the transformations (zoom, resize window) will move the point at the center of the window, unless the result would cause the entire window to be empty.

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