NIRC/PDS is a technique for using out-of-focus 3 micron images to phase
the Keck I mirror segments. It may be used in place of PCS. There has
been anecdotal evidence that NIRC/PDS may actually provide better NIRC
speckle observations than recently run PCS solutions, however this has
not been confirmed by careful testing.
Running PDS
- Start the NIRC software. Unlike normal observing, you don't need
to worry about a runname; PDS will provide one when it is initialized.
- Type "user pds". This adds the PDS scripts
to the PATH.
- "initPDS" (Determines the UT date, creates a data
directory with that date, and a reduction directory on /s/scratch1 with
that date. Also initializes various parameters by running "set_path"
and "set_keywords." Observer prompted for PDS phasing wavelength which
is traditionally done at 3.3 microns.)
- "darksky" (Takes calibration images: bias and
"sky" frames which
are used to determine a bad pixel map. Also sets pat4xa, coadd 250, and
nod 0 40).
An alternative is to run "copycal", that simply copies
existing calibration images over to the new directory. It also sets the coadds,
timing pattern, and nod.
===== AFTER SUNSET =====
- Go to an HST standard and run "malign" in K
band as usual (except that you will be using pat4xa).
(Starlist "0000_irhst.standards"
has some good stars to use.)
- "take_snap" Write down the snap number (you will
restore it later).
- "reload_focus"
- Rotator should be set to STATIONARY -180 degrees.
- Go to a PDS star
(starlist "000_PDS.lis") and center it.
PDS stars are K or M stars with Vmag ~3.0.
Center using "snapiv" and "cent # #" with coad
1 . Remember to set "coad 250" when centering is finished.
Note! Steps 10-13 below could be skipped if you are in a hurry, and
if the star has been accurately centered in the previous step.
- "take_two p" (automatically centers the image and gives the opportunity
to check for excessive vignetting)
- "load tcm" (creates and loads a 400 nm three-color mode)
- "offsets" [This one takes a looong time (~8 minutes)!]
- Ask the OA to restore the snap after malign (step 6 above).
- "pah" (loads the 3.3 PAH filter typically used for PDS).
If phasing at a longer wavelength, insert appropriate filter.
- "newrun" (creates a new PDS_RUNNAME and resets the ITERATION counter)
- "pds_loop" and repeat until convergence.
("pds_loop" takes the data,
runs the analysis, and sends the moves. Convergence occurs when the RMS
flattens out or gets below 10-20 nm. This should take less than about 6
A "snap" is recorded at each iteration.
(Note: One pds_loop takes slightly more than 5 minutes. Also note that
coadds, timing pattern, and nod are set in this script.)
- Ask the OA to manually reload the final snap, so that it will be
automatically loaded next time ACS is started.
===== OPTIONAL =====
- "load random" (creates and loads a random mode. To save time this
would not be run during science nights or when other more pressing engineering
- "newrun"
- "pds_loop" until convergence.
- Ask the OA to manually reload the final snap.