Punch List
The following tables list all ongoing LWS enhancement tasks. The meaning of the priorities is as follows:
  1. Critical
  2. High
  3. Medium


Item Priority Status Person
Noise: reduce to background limited for all modes. 1 complete RC
Study dlyeoc problem on test rack 1 Active RM/RC
Develop slower timing pattern 1 Active RC
Improve filter complement 2 Active RC
Fix filter wheel homing problem 3 complete RC
Fix vignetting 3 complete RC
Build dust cover 3 BM/RC


Keyword Library

Item Priority Status Person
Change STOP ACQ to save image in progress if last action was Send & Record 2 EC
Prevent warm chip turn-on; level on safety (dettemp) 2 EC
Enable Gra/Lam readbacks 2 EC
Add frmcnt keyword 2 EC


Item Priority Status Person
Include detector temp N/A Done EC
Add chop-nod params N/A Done EC
Label all components Done EC
Replace power toggles 3 Done EC
Reflect keyword changes 3 Done EC
In Chop/Nod control window, have STOP perform nodtel=off 2 EC
Include sector wheel controls 2 complete EC
Enable load/save capability 2 EC
In Chop/Nod control window, when chopper is running have START button become APPLY 3 EC
In Chop/Nod control window, allow observer to request azimuthal chopping 3 EC
Add green/yellow/red depoint indicator to XLWS for ZnSe window; have a warning window pop up if the window is in but the dewpoint is too high (or if observer is trying to take out window when dewpoint too high). 3 EC


Item Priority Status Person
Add custom setup capability 2 complete EC
Add setups for darks, flats 2 complete EC
Perform md nodtel=off upon Abort 2 EC
Add exposure counter bar chart and frameno counter 2 EC
Replace QUIT button with Efficiency parameters 3 EC

DSP software

Item Priority Status Person

Control software

Item Priority Status Person
LWS startup script N/A Done EC
Add beeper to startup script 3 Done GW
Require <ENTER> at end of LWS startup script 3 Done GW
Include "to" in make_dcs_real script 3 Done GW
Make lws_start script launch quicklook/quickview 3 Done RC
Update header_info to store new keywords 1 Done RC
Write monthly log monitor to crunch logfiles and prevent disk fillup 2 Active EC/GW
GUI interface for foc7 focus tool 2 Active GW
Have shutdown script change to 11.7µm filter 2 canceled GW
Write disk space monitor to regularly check available space on data disk and critical instrument disks (daily) 3 EC
Write disk-space monitor for use during observing (check every 5 minutes). Coordinate with TkLogger. 3 EC
Fix foc_set to recognize star-in-wrong-beam problem 3 GW
Prevent hsec_cal and lsec_cal scripts from modifying outfile 3 complete RC
Slit dither script 3 GW
Provide ANGLES command for LWS 3 GW
Provide an IDL widget script to measure readout noise and gain 3 GW
Trap CTRL-C and do md nodtel=offin quad-chop script, hsec_cal, etc. 3 GW
Have goi script check for acquire=FALSE before proceeding. 3 GW

Data Reduction & QuickView Software

Item Priority Status Person
Create IRAF task for basic reduction of stare/chop/chop-nod data N/A Done GW
crunchmon revisions --- prevent crash on missing images 3 Done GW
Replace QuickLook with QuickView 2 Done RC
Provide background-count stripchart in QuickView 2 Done RC
Provide count of completed nodsets/chpcoadd/frmcoadd 3 Done RC
Add countdown timer to QuickView 2 complete RC
Add colormap options to QuickView 2 complete RC
Add stat box sheet to QuickView 2 complete GW
Create release and development directories for QuickView 2 complete RC/EC
Document QuickView routines 3 complete RC/GW
Include saturation check in QuickView 3 complete RC
Email HRES users 3 complete RC
Write data reduction pipeline 3 active ??

User accounts

Item Priority Status Person
Reset PRINTER variable N/A Done EC
Add keokea xload N/A Done GW
Set up numbered accounts as with lwseng 2 Done EC
Set up account conking 2 Done EC/JS
archmon/STB setup 2 complete GW
Configure Netscape for ghostview usage 3 complete GW
Add user alias 3 GW
Fix enscript (A4->letter) 3 GW
Add 'Engineering' pulldown with tip session and log tail window 3 GW
Replace 'LWS Shutdown' with 'Close GUI windows' and 'End night' 3 GW
Ensure that IDL runs correctly, can access IDL astro libs 3 complete GW
Disk maintenance 3 complete JS/RC

Web pages

Item Priority Status Person
Startup Checklist N/A Done GW
Observing Checklist  N/A Done GW
Shutdown Checklist  N/A Done GW
Document ANGLES and SKYPA 2 Done GW
Tables of suggested XCALCTOOL settings for various observing modes 2 Done RC/GW
Crash recovery procedure 2 Done GW
Troubleshooting page 3 Done GW
Pre-observing checklist 3 complete GW
Post-observing Checklist  3 complete GW
Detector params: linearity curves, gain choices, gain values, read noise 3 complete GW
Checklist for quad-chop mode 3 GW
Table of nominal integration times for each filter under photometric conditions 3 GW
Filter plots 3 partially
S/N estimator in ION 3 GW
ATRAN plots in ION 3 complete RC
Galery photos in ION 3 RC


Item Priority Status Person
Create logsheet templates N/A Done GW
Write users' manual 2 RC/GW
Add identifier to logsheets, remove RA/Dec and window, include airmass 3 GW
Revise keyword document 2 GW/RC
Write data reduction manual 3 RC/GW/BJ
Update FAQ list 3 GW


Item Priority Status Person
Measure telescope emissivity 2 GW/RC
Measure bad pixel map 3 GW/RC
Measure flux for each filter from sky at zenith and from mirrored part of the sector wheel. Derive zeropoints in Jy. 3 GW/RC
Compare S/N taken with Rock46, Rock126, Rock252. 3 GW/RC
Compare S/N from quad-chop vs. chop-nod on chip 3 GW/RC
Carbon star test 3 complete GW/RC


Item Priority Status Person
Develop MALIGN for LWS 3 JG
Impliment atmospheric dispersion guider compensation 3 HL/WL
Modify SKY to replace NIRC annulus by LWS annulus 3 AC
Design filter holder 3 JB
Enable public ION access 3 JS

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Last modified: Mon Nov 1 13:01:48 HST 1999