LWS Dewar Service Report

For the first time in over a year, we opened the LWS dewar in March in order to fix several nagging problems. The instrument was reinstalled in the Forward Cassegrain Module and on sky engineering time was used 17-18 Mar to check out the instrument. In general the dewar service was highly successful. Some of the problems that have plagued the instrument in recent months were improved upon or completely eliminated. The following areas were shown to have significant improvement:

Detector Read Noise

Plot of noise vs. chop frequency prior to upgrade
Plot of noise vs. chop frequency prior to upgrade
Plot of noise vs. chop frequency after upgrade
Plot of noise vs. chop frequency after upgrade
The detector read noise was reduced by nearly a factor of 2, from 1.3 DN (2600 e-/s) to 0.7 DN (1400 e-/s). The non-Gaussian noise patterns have been significantly improved and the data now have normal-looking photon noise. The high levels of noise and their non-Gaussian nature had rendered the HRES spectroscopy mode of the instrument virtually useless. We now expect the HRES mode and the LRES mode to perform at the design expectations. Standard star data were taken during the engineering nights that followed the dewar service. The data are currently being analyzed but preliminary results show that the noise reduction has improved significantly the performance of the instrument in spectroscopy modes as well as in imaging modes. The modification made to the electronics that resulted in the improved noise was the addition of a filter board in the dewar. The board consists of low-pass filters on every bias line. The filter board is located inside the hermetic connector box, outside the LHe and LN2 cold shields and under vacuum.


The filter compliment available to LWS observers has been significantly improved. The 17.9 µm (2.0 µm bandwidth) filter, which was previously thought to be disintegrating, was found to be out of position in the filter wheel. The mis-alignment was causing unfiltered light to be transmitted to the detector. The position of the filter was repaired and this filter now appears to be performing quite well. At a central wavelength of 17.9 µm, this filter should help programs that require observations in the 20 µm atmospheric window, a region of the spectrum LWS filters were lacking. Its relatively wide bandpass of 2.0 µm should make it quite sensitive as well (sensitivity numbers will be forthcoming on the LWS web page). We were also able to acquire and install filters on loan from UCSD at 20.0 and 22.0 µm (1.0µm wide). Both the 20.0 and 22.0 µm are undersized for LWS resulting in approximately 40% loss of transmission and an expansion of the PSF. The usefulness of these filters remains to be seen, especially since the 17.9 µm is now OK, but at least will provide more options to users.

Optical Alignment and Mechanism Rework

Prior to the service mission, the instrument was experiencing some vignetting problems resulting in about a 15% loss of field of view. LWS was also having troubles with mechanism performance. A successful optical alignment procedure was performed during the service mission and the vignetting problem has been eliminated. Other work done to the mechanisms has also shown improvement in the areas of homing and repeatability. Return to Top

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