The following routine is recommended to prepare for the night's
- Afternoon Procedure
Evening Procedure
Afternoon Procedure
Log in.
Log into the data-taking computer (haleiwa in Remote Ops I)
using the account name and password provided by your Instrument Specialist
(who will be listed on the telescope
schedule). The following windows should appear on your leftmost screen:
Console window (for system messages)
Keokea and Haleiwa load meters
Local window (for local computer operations)
keokea window (for LWS control operations)
Start Netscape.
Using the mouse, move the cursor onto the rightmost screen.
Press and hold the right mouse button to bring up the window manager's
popup menu.
Release on the item labeled Netscape: LWS Home Page to launch
a local version of Netscape. After a few seconds, the Netscape window should
Return to the LWS Home Page by clicking Home
in the Netscape window.
Check instrument availability.
Click on the link labeled Today's
Instrument Status to access today's instrument information.
Use the spacebar to advance to the bottom of the page. If the message
K1 INSTRUMENT READY appears, then the
instrument is available and you may proceed to the next step and start
up the LWS software. If the message is K1
INSTRUMENT NOT READY, then LWS has not been released for
your use. If it is after the nominal release time (2:00pm weekdays,
4:00pm weekends) then contact your Instrument Specialist for
Prepare logsheets.
If you will need logsheets for note-taking, now would be a good time to
prepare them. There are two types available; please see these
instructions for details.
Start up the LWS software.
Using the mouse, move the cursor out of any existing window and onto the
Press and hold the right mouse button to bring up the window manager's
popup menu.
Move the cursor onto the item labeled LWS Control, bringing up
another submenu.
Move the cursor onto the item labeled LWS Start Up and release
the mouse button.
The following windows will (eventually) appear on your screen:
coyote tip window
log tail window
LWS AUxilliary window
lws_init window
It may take up to 2 minutes for the startup to complete and the LWS startup
script window to appear.
Execute the LWS startup script.
Once the black and green lws_init window appears, it will display
the following message:
Welcome to the LWS initialization script. You should ALWAYS run this
script at the start of your observing run to undo any changes that the
previous observer made to LWS. You may also want to run it at the
start of observing on succeeding nights to undo any changes made by
CARA staff during the day.
Do you want to continue running the setup script? (y/n) [y]:
Press Enter to continue.
At the prompt
Enter names of observing team members:
type in the name of the observing team as you would like them stored in
the image header.
At the prompt
Enter the 3-digit number of your assigned data disk:
type in the data disk number listed on the telescope schedule. The script
will verify that this is a legal disk number.
At the prompt
Enter data directory name [/sdata411/lws1/29jan1999]:
you may either press Enter to accept the directory name suggested
by the script, or, type in a name of your preference. Please change only
the name of the last subdirectory (i.e., use your assigned data disk and
user area). Note this directory on your logsheet for later reference. After
you enter your selection, the script will verify that you have specified
a valid directory and will create it for you if needed.
At the prompt
Enter starting image number:
type in the number to use for the next image. At the start of your run
you will generally want to enter 1 to begin numbering at the first
image. On succeeding nights you should be able to accept the default value,
which should be one greater than your final image from the previous night.
Note that if you need to change this value later you may do so from a keokea
prompt using the command
m frameno=N
where N is the value desired.
The script will conclude by checking the amount of available space on the
disk where your output directory resides. If less than 1000 megabytes are
free, then the script prints a warning message; seek help from your Instrument
Specialist if this happens.
When finished, the script will beep and print the message
Instrument initialization completed --- please press <ENTER> to continue...
Verify windows.
You should now have the following windows on your display:
On the leftmost screen:
coyote tip window
log tail
LWS Auxilliary window
On the center screen:
On the right screen:
QuickView window
Instrument compass (tkrose) widget
Feel free to re-arrange these window to suit your personal taste; however,
note that you can't drag windows from one screen to another.
- Disable DCS Simulation Mode.
In the LWS Auxilliary window, type the following command to
determine the status of the DCS simulator:
If you receive this response:
You are talking to the REAL DCS
then the simulator is already disabled and you may proceed to the next
step. If the response instead reads
You are talking to the DCS Simulator
then turn off the simulator by typing the following command in the LWS
Auxilliary window:
Start data acquisition system.
Begin taking data in order to enable use of the real-time data monitoring
In the Xpose/LWS window, click on the Show...
to display current values of various datataking parameters.
Click on Set Mode to bring up the mode menu, and click on Video
to acquire continuous data.
A window will appear warning you that the chopper is not engaged. Click
on Acquire w/o Chop to avoid starting the chopper.
Verify that the box in the upper left of the Xpose/LWS
window changes from "not acquiring" to "acquiring."
QuickView is the real-time data monitoring and analysis system for LWS.
Click Dynamic Display to enable real-time updates.
Click Non-Accumulate to turn off accumulation.
Click Raw DC Frame to display a single readout. Since the chip
is not yet on, you should see a pattern of vertical stripes representing
the output levels from the four amplifiers in the ADC chain.
Click Chop Difference to display the difference between consecutive
image pairs. This should be a pure noise frame, with some pattern noise
possibly visible.
Turn on detector temperature control. The detector must be maintained
at a constant temperature of 8.5° K in order to obtain useful data.
To run the heater:
click heater ON on the XLWS window. A
confirmation window will appear.
Click YES on the confirmation window to turn on power to the level
Home motors. Upon startup it can be wise to home the motors. To
do so:
Click H beside the Aperture label on the XLWS
window to home the aperture wheel. The aperture wheel label in the center
of the window will turn from blue to red while the stage is moving. Wait
until the homing completes before continuing.
Click the H button beside the Filter label on the XLWS
window to home the filter wheel. The filter wheel label in the center of
the window will turn from blue to red while the stage is moving. Wait until
the homing completes before continuing.
Click H beside the Grating label on the XLWS
window to home the grating wheel. The grating wheel label in the center
of the window will turn from blue to red while the stage is moving. Wait
until the homing completes before continuing.
Click set below the Sector label on the XLWS
window and then select home/open and set to home the
sector wheel
Wait for detector to reach operating temperature. Monitor the detector
temperature via the dettemp readout window on XLWS.
The temperature should rise slowly until reaching the nominal operating
temperature of 8.5° K. Once this temperature is reached, it is safe
to continue to the next step and supply power to the detector.
Power up dectector.
On the XLWS window, click power ON. A
confirmation window will appear.
Click YES on the confirmation window to turn on power to the level
Measuring the flux received from the background of the mirrored sector
wheel will help determine whether the detector is functioning properly.
Configure LWS for imaging.
Take the following actions in the XLWS window:
In the Aperture area (at the lower left of the XLWS
window), click on OPEN and SET. Wait for the move to
In the Filter area (at the lower middle of the XLWS
window), click on 8.9 and SET. Wait for the move to complete.
In the Grating area (at the lower right of the XLWS
window), click on MIRROR and SET. Wait for the move to
In the Sector area (at the upper right of the XLWS
window), click on SET to get a pop selection window and MIRROR
SET. Wait for the move to complete.
This rotates a mirrored blade of the sector wheel into the beam and will
cause the detector to look back into the dewar.
Change QuickView display.
In the QuickView display, click Raw DC
Frame to select a non-subtracted image.
Click Chop Beam 0 to select the "source" beam.
Plot a line cut.
Move the cursor onto the image area.
Click and drag Middle Mouse across the image to define the vector
along which to make a line plot.
A line plot showing the pixel values along the selected vector will be
appear. Note the average value on the plot; it should be approximately
900 - 1000 per coadd.
Note: to determine the number of coadds, multiply the value
of frmcoadd by chpcoadd. These parameters can be found
either by using the s (show) command to display their values:
s frmcoadd chpcoadd
or by clicking Show... in Xpose/LWS
to view the machine parameters.
Note that the box labeled ``BG%'' in the upper right of the QuickView
window displays the current mean signal level as a percentage of the ADC
limit (4096 DN per coadd). It should be around 20-25% for the 8.9 µm
filter configuration. This is a much simpler way to check for saturation!
Prepare spectrograph.
In the XLWS widget, click on the Dark
aperture selector and then click Set to select the dark aperture.
Take test exposure.
In the Xpose/LWS widget, click on Abort
to halt data acquisition.
Enter 5 in the Object Time box.
Click Set Mode to bring up the mode menu.
Click Custom to select the custom setups, and then click dark10
to select the dark data mode. Wait about 10 seconds for the mode menu to
disappear, indicating that the mode has changed.
Click Go to take a single dark frame.
A window will appear warning you that the chopper is not engaged. Click
w/o Chop to avoid starting the chopper.
Verify image writing.
In the LWS Auxilliary window, type the command cdata
to go to your data output directory and list recent files. There should
now be at least one image there; check the time to verify that your last
image was properly written to the disk.
Take a series of darks.
Inspect the first dark frame using QuickView. If okay, then
take additional dark frames by typing the following command in the LWS
Auxilliary window:
goi 10
Substitute the desired number of exposures for 10.
Repeat for other frametimes. Different observing modes require different
detector frametimes, as described in the LWS
Recommended Instrument Settings web page. It is advisable to take additional
sequences of dark exposures for each detector frametime setting you plan
to use.
Create, format, and install your target list (``starlist'') as described
in Creating and Installing Starlists for SKY.
Verify the formatting of your starlist using the SKY program as
described in the Using SKY page.
If the accuracy of your coordinates is suspect, use SKY to display
the Digital Sky Survey image of your LWS field as described in the Using
SKY page.
Observing Assistants cutomarily arrive at the summit (or HQ, if remote
controlling) around 5:30pm. Once s/he arrives, you can do the following:
Greet the OA.
Check whether your PictureTel link is muted, as indicated by a mute
symbol labeled NEAR on the TV. If muted, press MUTE on the PictureTel
control to un-mute. Introduce yourself to the OA and alert them to any
special needs that you will have.
Wait for the OA to get settled.
Setting up computers and bringing up all of the telescope control systems
requires some time, and things go wrong much more often than we would prefer.
Please be patient while the OA prepares the telescope for operation.
Inform the OA about your starlist.
Now would be a good time to let the OA know where your starlist is,
so s/he can verify access to it.
You're tired and hungry and there's a long night ahead. Better get out
the folder labeled
Restaurant Dining Guide and select one of our
fine local eateries to provide you with sustenance.
Evening Procedure
Guider eavesdropping allows you to monitor the image from the guide camera
in real time. To start eavesdropping:
Log into pupukea (the single-headed workstation in between haleiwa
and onomea) using your numbered LWS account.
If you have already started any graphical programs on pupukea
(e.g., Netscape, Xmet, FACSUM) you must quit them before starting the guider
eavesdropping program. This is necessary in order for the guider display
to obtain the needed colors from the colormap.
Select the Guider Eavesdropping option from the OpenWindows menu.
Select the Eavesdrop (default) item from this menu. The guider
display and accompanying tkrose window will appear shortly. Once
the display is active, you may continue to the next step and can re-start
other software which you killed.
The ``Facilities Summary'' or
window is a real-time display of the telescope status. To run
On pupukea, select the DCS Status option from the OpenWindows
Select the FACSUM Display item from the DCS Status menu.
The FACSUM window will appear shortly.
Click and drag left mouse on one of the window corners to expand
the window to fill the screen.
Xmet is a meteorological display showing current summit conditions.
To run it:
On pupukea, select the DCS Status option from the OpenWindows
Select the Meteorological Display item from this menu. The Xmet
window will appear shortly.
The ``tau'' statistic tracks the amount of airborne water vapor above Mauna
Kea and is a good indicator of current conditions in the mid-IR because
atmospheric transparency at these wavelengths is determined by the atmospheric
water vapor density.
here to check the current value of tau, and multiply the resulting
value by 20 to estimate the amount of precipitable water vapor (in mm).
Note that tau values below 0.05 (i.e., less than 1 mm of precipitable water
vapor) indicate acceptable conditions for observing at 20 µm.
Ensure that the sector wheel is out of the beam.
In the Sector area (at the upper right of the XLWS window), click on SET to get a pop selection window then click HOME/OPEN and SET. Wait
for the move to complete.
If observing conditions permit (i.e., primary mirror temp
minus dewpoint is at least 10°C), open the ZnSe window to reduce
the background flux. To do this, find the ZnSe window controls on the
XLWS gui. Click on
OPEN and then
The Observing Assistant (OA) is not permitted to open the dome until after
sunset. Please be patient while the shutter opens and the OA checks the
initial telescope pointing.
Remind the OA to check that "coning" is enabled on the secondary mirror.
This option repositions the secondary to account for LWS being off axis.
Failure to set coning would degrade your image qaulity.
After preparing the telescope, the OA will ask you what object you would
first like to observe. Customarily, the first thing to do is to focus the
telescope. To do so, first select a star from the IRTF standards list (in
starlist file
which lies near to the position of your first science target, then tell
the OA the name of the star you want to focus on, and the name of the starlist
file. The OA will first acquire one or more faint stars near the target
to check telescope pointing, then will acquire your focus star in the guider
and point LWS to the target.
Bring up the Chop-Nod Control window by clicking ChopNod
in XLWS.
Click Set Chopper Defaults button. This action sends keyword commands
to the chopper controller that will configure the chopper to be synchronized
with LWS data acquisition.
Verify that the chptrig box reads level, that the chpstyle
box reads manual, and that the chprelto box reads posang.
Enter the desired amplitude in the Chop Amplitude box. The nominal
value of 10 arcsec corresponds to the width of the LWS field of view.
Enter the desired angle in the Chop Angle box. The nominal value
of 0 corresponds to north-south chopping.
Click Start to begin chopping.
Verify that the value in the chpcycle box begins to increment,
indicating the the chopper is receiving and responding to triggers. If
it does not change after several iterations, then the chopper is not functioning
properly. The most likely reason is that the chopper toggle switch on the
interconnect box (in the computer room at the summit) is set to NIRC
rather than to LWS. Have the OA check the position of this switch
and repeat the test. If still not working, contact your Instrument Specialist
for help.
Verify spectrograph. Check that the instrument is appropriately
set up for focusing:
Aperture = OPEN
Filter = 8.9 (or 11.7)
Grating = mirror
Sector wheel at HOME
Locate star.
In the Xpose/LWS window, click ABORT to halt any exposure
currently in progress, then click MODE to bring up the mode menu
and and select item VIDEO to begin continuous data acquisition.
In QuickView, select Chop Difference and Dynamic
Display to look at the difference of the chop beams. The star should
become visible in QuickView within seconds. If not, then either:
Light is not reaching the detector because the instrument is not set up
correctly (most common reason is forgetting to home the sector wheel by
typing m sechome=1)
Star was too bright to center on in the guider and hence was not accurately
placed onto LWS. In this case, send it back to the guider and have the
OA try centering and resending to LWS.
Star is too faint in the mid-IR to allow focusing. This can happen with
some of the fainter stars in the IRTF list; try to choose stars with "alpha"
or "beta" designations to ensure sufficient S/N.
Center star on detector.
In QuickView, select the Move Tel... option from the
menu to bring up the telescope move menu.
Click the From button and the Cursor button.
Move the cursor onto the star and click LEFT MOUSE button. The
program measures the centroid of the star and copies the coordinates into
the From X: and From Y: boxes.
Click the To Center button. The program copies the detector center
coordinates into the To X: and To Y: boxes.
Click the Move Telescope button. The telescope is offset to bring
the star to the center of the detector.
Xfocus program is used to focus the telescope:
Launch Xfocus by selecting the Friends
menu in QuickView and releasing on the Xfocus
item. The Xfocus window should appear.
Click Start in Xfocus to begin a focus loop. The software
will acquire 7 images at various focus settings for analysis. The entire
procedure takes about 4 minutes. When all images are completed, the best
focus is measured and a plot displayed.
If any of the images are obviously bad (e.g., star disappeared due to clouds,
image is displayed as positive rather than negative, etc.) then you can
press the Exclude button beneath the offending image to exclude
that data point from the fit. The fit is automatically recomputed and redisplayed.
At least 4 data points are required to fit the hyperbola.
When satisfied with the fit, click Set to Best Focus to move the
secondary to the derived best focus position.
If you are uncertain about the fit, feel free to click Start again
to repeat the focus check.
Now that you are in the right area, have all software set up, and have
focused the telescope, you are ready to begin observations. You may now
proceed to the
observing checklists.
Go to: LWS Home Page - Instruments
Home Page - Keck Home Page
Last modified: Fri Jul 19 16:55:39 HST 2002